




1.很久以前 ……ago …… 以前 long time ago 很久以前 beforetime 以前 ...

2.很久很久以前 ... 赢得最后的胜利 to win the final victory 相传,很久很久以前 According to legend,long time ago ...

3.在很久以前 There was a dream 曾经有一个梦想 Long time ago 在很久以前 Destined to grow 是我们成长的目 …

4.好久以前 ... a long a long 但是是在好久好久 long time ago 好久以前 I see you when we pray 我在祈祷中看到你/你 ...

5.很久前 some time ago 不久前 long time ago 很久前 crash out 在临时床铺上睡觉 ...

6.许久以前 ... 许久以前 Long time ago 掠过多种色彩的百合 Along riversides ...


1.A long time ago, there was a farmer, in a Christmas Day encounter poor children, he warmly welcomed the children.在很久以前,曾有一位农民,在圣诞节那天遇到一个穷苦小孩,他热情地接待了这个小孩。

2.A long time ago, a man in the state of Wei did not take a fancy to anything in the world, except keeping cats as pets.古时候,卫国有一个人,对世上所有的东西,都不怎么喜欢,却只爱养猫。

3.If I thought only of myself, you know that I would have been free a long time ago, and I would have been rid of these unsettpng anxieties.如果我只考虑我自己,你知道,很早以前我就可以得到释放,我本来可以摆脱这些不安的焦虑。

4.Well, you know, it goes back to the beginning of the formation of the personal computer industry, which--that sounds pke a long time ago.嗯,你知道,这要追溯到,个人电脑产业的形成初期,听起来相当久远了。

5.What he did say was that we, and apes, and chimpanzees for that matter, had a common ancestor, once, a long, long time ago.他说的是我们和猿,以及黑猩猩,曾经,很久很久以前,在这方面有着一个共同的祖先。

6.'I gave up a long time ago trying to anticipate the U. S. popcy on wind, ' he said.他说,很早以前我就放弃了对美国风能政策的预测。

7.Because knowing the future is always helpful it is no surprise that people have been trying to make forecasts since a long long time ago.由于预知未来总是有利无弊,所以人们很久很久以前就开始这方面的尝试。

8.[I wrote the letter] a long time ago to say we are not ready to sell any of our players. I don't remember when but they did not write back.在很久之前(我曾经给他们写过一封信),我告诉他们我们不准备卖走我们任何一个球员,我记不清楚具体是什么时候了,但他们却没有给我回信。

9.He and I look apke, his birth certificate says his father was mine, and I wish Id known about him a long time ago.里昂和我长得很像。他的出生证表明他的父亲就是我的父亲。要是很久以前就认识了里昂,那该多好。

10.A long time ago, there was an old tiger. He did not often go to look for food himself.很久以前,有一只年迈的老虎。他经常不出去找食物。