




1.看着我的眼睛 ... So near So far 这麽近 那麽远 ... Look me in the eye (看着我的眼睛) ... Sharing 朋友之间 不分彼此 ... ...

2.看我的眼睛 ... 马可波罗游记: The Travels of Marco Polo 看我的眼睛Look Me in the Eye 时间简史: A Briefer History of Time ...

3.看著我的眼睛 ... 别想走 Don’t think of leaving 你眼睛看著我 Look me in the eye 别发抖 Don’t shiver ...

5.正眼看着我 ... look me in the eye: 两眼直盯盯的注视着我。 Look Me In The Eye 正眼看着我 ...

6.两眼直盯盯的注视着我 ... look me in the eye: 两眼直盯盯的注视着我。 Look Me In The Eye 正眼看着我 ...

7.我和阿斯伯格综合征看着我的眼睛:我和阿斯伯格综合征(Look Me in The Eye) 价格更新中 邮费普通5元,满29免运费 >> ¥18.00 元 邮费普通10元, …


1.I wanted them to be able to look me in the eye and judge whether I was telpng the truth or telpng a pe.我想让他们能够直视我的眼睛,判断出我讲的是真话还是假话。

2.Okay, don't let it out. Look at me. Look me in the eye.好,别放走它,看着我,看着我的眼睛。

3.I stopped reading. Skyler had interrupted me, leaning back his head so he could look me in the eye.我的朗读被斯凯勒打断了,他向后斜过头来,看着我的眼睛。

4.He won't look me in the eye, won't engage in any small talk, and looks more ill at ease than I feel.他不看我的眼睛,不介入我的任何小问题,看上去比我感觉到的更紧张。

5.Alan Yentob was quite fussy and didn't look me in the eye, just held out his empty glass when he wanted a refill.AlanYentob有点过分紧张,不正眼看我,他想要续杯的时候就举起他的空杯子。

6.He was afraid to look me in the eye because he was not telpng the truth.他害怕和我对视,因为他没有说出真相。

7.Can you look me in the eye and tell me you've got this under control and it's not gonna end up in a disaster?你能看着我的眼睛告诉我这一切都在你控制中,并最终不会演变成一场灾难?

8.Kim did not look me in the eye when we talked.我和Kim说话的时候,他没有正视我。

9.Look me in the eye and you swear to the God that you didn't kill anybody.你跟我看着我的眼睛想上天发誓你没有杀过任何人。

10.Can you look me in the eye, my tears for you carved.能不能就回头看我一眼,我眼角的泪是为你雕刻的。