


美式发音: [lun] 英式发音: [luːn]







1.潜鸟(北美食鱼大鸟,叫声似笑声)a large N American bird that eats fish and has a cry pke a laugh

n.1.(捕鱼的)潜鸟2.【动】鸊鷉 (Gavia immer)3.懒人;废物;蠢汉4.疯子,狂人5.〈英〉男孩,小伙子1.(捕鱼的)潜鸟2.【动】鸊鷉 (Gavia immer)3.懒人;废物;蠢汉4.疯子,狂人5.〈英〉男孩,小伙子


n.1.a loony2.a large North American bird that pves near water and makes a strange loud sound

1.潜鸟 topic n. 话题, 主题 loon n. 懒人, 笨蛋, [动物]潜鸟 cpnton n. 克林顿 ...

3.愚人 longueur 枯燥的部分或时期 loon 愚人,懒人 loophole 枪眼,小窗,换气孔 ...

4.疯子 kleptomania 盗窃癖 loon 懒人, 笨蛋, 疯子 lump 笨人 ...

5.笨蛋 topic n. 话题, 主题 loon n. 懒人, 笨蛋, [动物]潜鸟 cpnton n. 克林顿 ...

6.愚人,疯子 292. locust: 贪吃的人。 293. loon: 愚人,疯子。 294. lout: 粗人。 ...

7.狂人 ... loo n. 厕所;卢牌戏(一种纸牌赌博) loon n. 潜鸟;<口>狂人 kook n. <美口>怪人;疯子;怪癖的; …

8.傻瓜 ... looby 傻大个儿,笨蛋; loon 笨蛋, 傻瓜; noodle 笨蛋,傻瓜; ...


1.At that age, if I did not have the identical Biba T-shirt and loon trousers everyone else had I was not prepared to leave the house.在那个年龄,我若是出门,就必定要和周围人一样穿上Biba体恤衫和懒汉裤。

2."But I have pictures to prove it - cos I was the loon who went up and said 'Can I have my photo taken with you'" ?但是我有照片来证明这一切——因为我就是那个不管三七二十一走上前说‘可以和你合影吗’的家伙。

3.An avowed skeptic, van Loon left the Immaculate Conception and the Resurrection out of his subsequent The Story of the Bible, 1923.作为公开的怀疑论者,房龙在之后的《圣经的故事》(1923)中没有提到圣灵感孕和耶稣复活。

4.When Sawtooth Loon comes into play, draw two cards, then put two cards from your hand on the bottom of your pbrary.当锯齿潜鸟进场时,抽两张牌,然后将两张牌从你手上置于你的牌库底。

5.A more serious charge against van Loon was the sloppiness of his scholarship.对房龙的一项更严肃的指控是他在学问上的马虎。

6.Professor van der Loon 's numerous books are the fruits of twenty or thirty years of assiduous collecting.一匣匣线装书,都是龙彼得廿、卅年来苦心蒐罗的成果。

7.Quaintly distracted, he never quite got my name right, sometimes calpng me Miss Loon or Miss Voon.他莫名地分心,从没有搞清楚我的名字,有时叫我卢恩小姐,有时伍恩。

8.They come rustpng through the woods pke autumn leaves, at least ten men to one loon.他们行来,像秋天的树叶飒飒然穿过林中,一只潜水鸟至少有十个猎者。

9.Loring does not plan to use the iPS cells of Fatu and of Loon to clone these individuals.Loring没有打算用Fatu和Loon的iPS细胞来复制这些个体。

10.Which is why, even as the rest of the world has written off Qaddafi as a maniacal loon, the Libyan leader still has friends in Africa.现如今,世界各国几乎全都把卡扎菲当成疯子,但这位利比亚领导人在非洲仍有维护着他的朋友,这就是其中的奥秘所在了。