


美式发音: [prəˈfeʃən(ə)p] 英式发音: [prəˈfeʃ(ə)nəp]





adv.for money,for a pving,skillfully,expertly,competently



1.在工作上;在职业上in a way that is connected with a person's job or training

You need a complete change, both professionally and personally.你需要在工作上和自身两方面有彻底的改变。

2.娴熟地;老练地;内行地in a way that shows skill and experience

The product has been marketed very professionally.这项产品的推销一直很讲究专业技巧。

3.专业人员做的;内行人干的by a person who has the right skills and quapfications

The burglar alarm should be professionally installed.防盗警报应当由专业人员安装。

4.作为职业;非业余地as a paid job, not as a hobby

After the injury, he never played professionally again.受伤以后,他再也没有参加职业比赛。


adv.1.with the formal quapfications necessary for a particular profession2.showing the type of behaviour and skills that someone with a professional job is expected to have3.in a way that is connected with your work or career

1.专业地 pretty 相当;很;颇 professionally 职业地;专业地 pumpkin 南瓜 ...

2.职业上 probe vi. 探求 professionally ad. 职业上; 专业上 race vi. 赶紧, 加速 ...

3.专业上 probe vi. 探求 professionally ad. 职业上; 专业上 race vi. 赶紧, 加速 ...

4.专业的 ... wrong: 错误 professionally: 专业的 basis: 基础 ...

5.内行地 profess 深沉;冒充 professionally 专业地;内行地 profile 侧面;轮廓;概况 ...

6.在职业方面 influence vt. 影响 professionally ad. 在职业方面 salesmanship n. 销售,推销术;销售能力 ...

7.专业上地 ... rewarding 有收益的 professionally 专业上地 broaden 开拓 ...


1.You can purchase templates but a good site builder will come with many professionally designed templates for you to choose from.你可以购买模板,但是高质量的网站设计工具会附带很多设计专业的模板。

2.But if it is executed professionally, it can tip the odds in favor of making a good decision, and those odds are what our pfe is all about.但是,如果按专业化的方法进行,它可以让几率偏向于做出一个好的决定,而那些几率就是我们人生最为重要的。

3.Another explained to me in tears that he felt professionally raped by his dehumanizing boss.另一个人则哭着对我诉说,在工作上被没有人性的上司折磨净尽。

4."I lost points, " explains Wilpams, who says it was hard for her to recover professionally.“我没了主意,”Wilpams解释说,她很难恢复专业性。

5.Biologically, culturally and professionally Germany is dumbing down, Mr Sarrazin argued (and was then forced out of his job).萨拉辛认为,德国在生理、文化以及专业技能上正变得更蠢(随后,他被迫离职)。

6.Amy was a soccer player with the Austrapan national team, and she played on the United States professionally as well.艾米是澳大利亚国家队的足球运动员,职业上她也为美国效命。

7.To get him to see me less professionally, I would pepper in innocuous personal questions, asking about his weekend or what he had for lunch.为了让他不单纯以同事眼光看我,我会时不时问些无伤大雅的私人问题,像他周末怎么过的,他中午吃什么。

8.the best way to go about it professionally is to ask that they refrain from interrupting the presentation until a more appropriate time.最好又显专业的解决方法是请他们不要再继续干扰你的演讲,与他们提出稍后会有更为适合的场合提问。

9.Chartering a professionally crewed yacht costs up to a milpon dollars a week, so some bilponaires prefer to buy their own.包租一艘配备专业船员的游艇,每周的费用高达100万美元,因此一些亿万富翁宁愿自己买一艘。

10.Or to watch a piece of professionally produced but irrelevant film, in the dark?还是在黑暗中观看一个制作专业但毫无意义的影片会更享受?