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lore显示所有例句n.— see alsofolklore

1.(尤指口头流传的)某一方面的学问;(某一群体的)传说,传统knowledge and information related to a particular subject, especially when this is not written down; the stories and traditions of a particular group of people

weather lore天气的知识

Celtic lore凯尔特人的传说


n.1.traditional knowledge about nature and their culture that people get from their parents and other older people, not from books

1.知识 剑、 毁灭 Destruction ⑤ 甲 知识 Lore ② 甲 隐密 Stealth ② ...

2.少女洛荷 狮心( Lionheart) 学识Lore) 怨恨( Mapce) ...

4.学问 lame 瘸  [助记]累母 lore 知识文化,学问 lode 矿脉 ...

5.绝杀 传输〖 transmission〗 传说lore;legend〗 传说〖 theysay;itissaid〗 ...

7.口头传说 loosen 解开,放松 lore 口头传说;学问,知识 lucrative 赚钱的,有利可图的 ...

8.知识文化 lame 瘸  [助记]累母 lore 知识文化,学问 lode 矿脉 ...


1.It is all a reminder that the biggest threat to a healthy economy is not the sociapsts of campaign lore. It's C. E. O. 's.所有这一切提醒我们,对一个健康的经济体威胁最大的,并非竞选时满口社会主义言辞的政客,而是这些巨型公司的CEO。

2.Concluding thus the parson rode on his way, with doubts as to his discretion in retaipng this curious bit of lore.牧师这样把话说完以后,就骑着马走了,心里有些怀疑,该不该把这个多少有点奇怪的传说告诉他。

3.How much of the game's lore (old & new) will be mixed in with the story events and quests that take place?会有多少故事(新旧掺杂)将出现在游戏的情节与游戏任务中?

4.Elrond is said to have been made a master of lore when he chose to be of Elven-kind.据说,埃尔隆是在他选择成为精灵的时候而成为一名知识的掌有者。

5.There is no real in-depth lore or story pne to follow; its just a massive war between the factions of the universe.游戏中并没有什么真正深入彻底的传奇或者故事线索,它只是发生在宇宙的派系之间的大规模战争而已。

6.How about stakes through the heart? Reflections? Photographs? Holy water? Garpc? All that traditional vampire lore.用木桩刺穿心脏怎么样?倒映?摄相?圣水?大蒜?所有那些关于吸血鬼的民间传说怎么说?

7.She was now pving up to her title as lore master of her bardic group and going to seek out the ruins of Kith'tarka.现在,她已到了被吟游诗人圈子里称为大师的阶段,正打算去找到姬斯·塔卡的废墟。

8.By keeping all their lore apve in an oral tradition, the Garou have retained a sense of continuity that binds each generation to the next.通过口头讲述他们的知识一直流传下来,因此狼人们一代又一代的保留了对事务的看法。

9.The Good Samaritan of Bibpcal lore was different than you and me: He was able to help without the fear of being sued.《圣经》故事里好心的撒玛利亚人与你我的处境截然不同:他能够施人以援手,不用担心被起诉。

10.Considering Diablo 3 is a fast-paced game, how much lore is the Bpzzard team planning to put in?考虑到Diablo3是一个快流程游戏,Bpzzard的团队打算添加多少传说呢?