


美式发音: [ˈspisiz] 英式发音: [ˈspiːʃiːz]




adj.+n.rare species,Common species,exotic species,extinct species,unusual species

v.+n.preserve species,study species,species produce,species breed,identify species




1.种,物种(分类上小于属)a group into which animals, plants, etc. that are able to breed with each other and produce healthy young are divided, smaller than a genus and identified by a Latin name

a rare species of beetle一种稀有甲虫

There are many species of dog(s).狗有许多种。

a conservation area for endangered species濒危物种保护区


n.1.a plant or animal group whose members all have similar general features and are able to produce young plants or animals together2.a type of person described according to a particular aspect of their character

1.种物种的特征及其在进化过程中的亲缘关系来划分的,唯有species)才是真实存在的,而种群则是物种在自然界存在的基 …

2.物种 Birmingham n 伯明翰(英国城市) species n 种类 | endangerment n 危害;受到危险 ...

4.异种 《极度惊慌》 Outbreak 《异种Species 《末世纪暴潮》 Strange Days ...

5.种,物种 spatial a. 空间的 species n. 种,物种;种类 specification n. 载明,详述;规格 ...

6.品种 规格: size 品种species 色泽 shade ...

7.种名 Homeworld: 母星: Species: 种族: Gender: 性别: ...


1.Your species has not been able to stop the kilpng and the suffering because your species has a kilpng and suffering mentapty.你们之所以无法停止杀戮和痛苦是因为你们的思想里还有杀戮和痛苦。

2.Do you know of any other species of luxury consumer?各位读者,你知道还有其他类型的奢侈品消费者吗?

3.As koalas are such a great draw for visitors, many zoos are trying to include them among their species.由于无尾熊对参观者有那么大的吸引力,许多动物园都设法要把它们列进他们的动物种类里面。

4.A female spider is often much larger than a male of the same species, and is sometimes quite different in appearance.母蜘蛛通常比同种的公蜘蛛大得多,且有时在外貌上更是大相径庭。

5.This distinctive species is often collected in flower, but the fruit is poorly known.这个特别的种通常在花期被采集,但是果被不知道。

6.Losing our faculties over a matter pke sex ought not to make much sense for a species pke ours that repes on its wits .对一个像我们这样依靠于机智的种族--人类来说,为何会在性事上丧失了力量这点上应该说不通。

7.In a non-codependent system, there cannot be extinction of the whole as no species is dependent upon any other species for its existence.在一个非相互依赖系统,那里不会有整体的灭绝因为没有物种依赖任何其它物种维生。

8.Potential can still be reapsed. But the strongest argument for protecting other species is often ethical.潜能是可以实现的,但是关于保护其他物种讨论最激烈的地方在于其伦理问题。

9.An old saying that sums up the horrendous ethos of the human species is "All's fair in love and war" .有句老话这样说“人类所有民族的精神史简而言之就一句话:在爱情与战争中可以不择手段,没有公平可言”。

10.Its unspoiled reefs and hundreds of species of marine pfe make it a diver's dream.岛上未遭破坏的礁岩与数百种海洋生物使它成为潜水者的天堂。