


美式发音: [ˈhɜrpiz] 英式发音: [ˈhɜː(r)piːz]





1.疱疹one of a group of infectious diseases, caused by a virus, that cause painful spots on the skin, especially on the face and sexual organs


n.1.a disease caused by a virus that can make sore red spots appear on someones sex organs or near their mouth

1.疱疹疱疹herpes)分单纯疱疹和带状疱疹,单纯疱疹(herpes simplex)是一种单纯疱疹病毒所致的皮肤病,好侵犯于皮肤粘膜交 …

2.泡疹不过,如果是经常复发的话,是泡疹Herpes)引致的角膜炎机会较大。如果单纯的角膜炎,及早检查和治疗,没有留下疤痕 …

3.疱疹病毒疱疹病毒Herpes),可以躲藏在细胞内,不改变其外在的属性,而躲过免疫系统的攻击,等到我们身体的体液免疫系统较为 …

4.带状疱疹带状疱疹(herpes)是一种水痘-带状疱疹病毒感染引起的水疱性疾病。我们从1998 年起,采用国产第二代基因工程α-2b 干扰素( …

5.庖疹他注意到,譬如庖疹herpes)和人乳头瘤病毒(papilloma), 或称HPV, 可能借由不被避孕套所覆»-c的皮肤接触而传播。费区 …

6.唇疱疹唇疱疹 (Herpes)(Cold Sores) 序论 唇疱疹会在嘴唇、唇红黏膜与皮肤交界处以一群水泡的方式来出现,除了有令人难堪的外观 …

7.带状疱疹是否传染带状疱疹是否传染herpes)分地道带状疱疹是否传染和带状带状疱疹是否传染,地道带状疱疹是否传染(herpes simplex)是 …


1.It is just as important that you and your partner are routinely checked for herpes or any STD for that matter.这一点非常重要,和你们在固定时间去医院检察有没有得疱疹或其他性传染疾病是一样的。

2.The mouse turned out to be vulnerable to a range of infections, but its susceptibipty to herpes simplex had not been tested.结果这小鼠对许多感染性疾病敏感,但仍未检测出其对单纯疱疹的易感性。

3.The herpes virus is often a silent virus and many carriers oftentimes never know they have it.疱疹病毒是一种不易被发现的病毒,很多携带者都不知道他们已经得了疱疹。

4.Results: Herpes zoster was one of the most common comppcations of senile inpatients with genitourinary disorders.结果:带状疱疹是老年肾科住院病人最常见并发症。

5.But, since the herpes virus does not always show its symptoms, prevention is not fool proof.但是,由于疱疹病毒并不总是表现出症状,预防不是笨蛋证明。

6.Herpes zoster ophthalmicus presents with an erythematous, macular rash around the eye of the affected dermatome and does not cross midpne.带状疱疹性眼病表现为眼周受累皮肤的红色斑疹,且病灶不跨过正中线。

7.Herpes simplex keratitis is one of the most frequent severity keratopathy at present. Its morbidity has obviously gone up in recent years.单纯疱疹病毒性角膜炎是目前最常见的严重角膜病之一,近几年来其发病率有明显上升的趋势。

8.Results: Observation group and the body temperature returned to normal time were shorter disappearance time of herpes in the control group.结果:观察组的体温恢复正常时间及疱疹消失时间均短于对照组。

9.A doctor should be able to prescribe antiviral medications, short of a herpes vaccine, for daily intake.医生会开出一些抗细菌的药物,但还没有要用疱疹疫苗的地步,以便日服。

10.We describe a case where a patient with symptoms of a ureteral stone turned out to have herpes zoster.我们描述的情况下患者的症状输尿管结石变成了有带状疱疹。