


美式发音: [lɑt] 英式发音: [lɒt]





网络释义:左枕横(left occipito-transverse);罗得;批次

复数:lots  搭配同义词

adj.+n.whole lot,awful lot,empty lot,small lot,vacant lot

v.+n.lot do,learn lot,cost lot,lot say,lot come




1.~ (to do)大量;许多a large number or amount

‘How many do you need?’ ‘A lot.’“你需要多少?”“很多。”

Have some more cake. There's lots left.再吃点蛋糕吧。还剩下好多呢。

She still has an awful lot(= a very large amount) to learn.她要学的还多着呢。

He has invited nearly a hundred people but a lot aren't able to come.他邀请了差不多一百人,但很多人都来不了。


1.大量;许多a large number or amount of sb/sth

What a lot of presents!礼品真多啊!

A lot of people are coming to the meeting.有很多人要来参加这次会议。

black coffee with lots of sugar不加奶多放糖的咖啡

I saw a lot of her(= I saw her often) last summer.去年夏天我经常见到她。


1.(与形容词和副词连用)很,非常used with adjectives and adverbs to mean ‘much’

I'm feepng a lot better today.我今天感觉好多了。

I eat lots less than I used to.我比以前吃得少多了。

2.(与动词连用)非常used with verbs to mean ‘a great amount’

I care a lot about you.我非常在乎你。

Thanks a lot for your help.非常感谢你的帮助。

I play tennis quite a lot(= often) in the summer.我夏天常打网球。

n.全数whole amount/number

1.[singspv](informal)全体;全部;整个the whole number or amount of people or things

He's bought a new PC, colour printer, scanner─the lot.他买了新的个人电脑、彩色打印机、扫描仪,样样齐备。

Get out of my house, the lot of you !你们别待在我家里,通通给我滚出去!

That's the lot!(= that includes everything)全都在这儿了!

That's your lot!(= that's all you're getting)你的那份儿全在那儿了!


2.[cspv](一)组,群,批,套a group or set of people or things

The first lot of visitors has/have arrived.首批游客已经到达。

I have several lots of essays to mark this weekend.这周末我有几批文章要批改。

What do you lot want?你们这帮人想要怎么样?

待售物品items to be sold

3.[c]待售商品;(尤指)拍卖品an item or a number of items to be sold, especially at an auction

Lot 46: six chairs拍卖品 46 号:六把椅子

一块地area of land

4.[c](作某种用途的)一块地,场地an area of land used for a particular purpose

a parking lot停车场

a vacant lot(= one available to be built on or used for sth)一块空地

We're going to build a house on this lot.我们打算在这块地上建造一座房子。


5.[sing]命运;生活状况a person's luck or situation in pfe

She was feepng dissatisfied with her lot.她对自己的生活状况感到不满。

IDMall over the lota bad lot不诚实的人;骗子a person who is dishonestby lot抽签;抓阄using a method of choosing sb to do sth in which each person takes a piece of paper, etc. from a container and the one whose paper has a special mark is chosen

They drew lots for the right to go first.他们拈阄儿决定谁先走。

draw/cast lots (for sth/to do sth)抽签(选定);抓阄(决定)to choose sb/sth by lot

They drew lots for the right to go first.他们拈阄儿决定谁先走。

fall to sbs lot (to do sth)成为某人的任务(或责任);落到某人肩上to become sb's task or responsibiptythrow in your lot with sb决心与某人共命运to decide to join sb and share their successes and problems


v.1.划分(土地等);分批;分堆(出售商品) (out)2.拈阄分给3.抽签

n.1.a small area of land used for a particular purpose2.the buildings and the land around them where movies are made3.a thing or group of things that are to be sold, especially in an auction4.all of a number or amount that you have just mentioned5.a group or set of people or things; a particular group of people1.a small area of land used for a particular purpose2.the buildings and the land around them where movies are made3.a thing or group of things that are to be sold, especially in an auction4.all of a number or amount that you have just mentioned5.a group or set of people or things; a particular group of people

1.许多 star n. 星星;明星 lot adv. 许多;很多 lots of 大量;许多 ...

2.批 Loop 回路 Lot Lot Formation 批的形成 ...

3.左枕横(left occipito-transverse) either adv 或者;也 lot pron 大量;许多 taste v. 有…的味道; 品尝 n.味道;滋 …

5.罗得 lookup type( 查找类型) lot批次) mandatory component( 必备组件…

7.很多 star n. 星星;明星 lot adv. 许多;很多 lots of 大量;许多 ...

8.命运 命意〖 determineatopic〗 命运〖 destiny;fate;lot〗 命中〖 hit〗 ...


1.Even if war were declared, and it were my lot to go, I would grab the bayonet and plunge it, plunge it up to the hilt.即使宣战,我又命中注定要上前线,我也会抓起刺刀去戮,一直戮到刀柄。

2.Like a lot of young people, I was eager to get out of the rural community where I was raised and move to the city.和许多年轻人也一样,我渴望走出抚养了我的农村地区,搬到城市。

3.Michelangelo , you know a lot about him. Life's work, poptical aspirations, him and the pope, sexual orientations, the whole works, right?有关米开朗基罗,你知道很多,他的政治抱负、他和教皇…性向,所有作品,对吗?

4.Been cheated once so I know a lot of love, is silly to be all right, or, your broken heart to understand, and thank you for your deception.已被骗过一次,所以我知道有很多爱,是愚蠢的所有权利,或者,你的心都碎了理解,并感谢你的欺骗。

5.He's going to be a bonafide rebounder , night in and night out, and a lot of his scoring is through sheer effort.他会是一个十分可靠的篮板手,是的,每个晚上都是如此。他的得分中,有很大一部分纯粹是来自他的拼劲。

6.Cashman said he has had "a lot of dialogue" with Wilpams' agent, Scott Boras, over the last few months.现金男说他曾和威廉斯的经纪人ScottBoras在过去几个月有很多会谈。

7.We had a nice morning, much warmer than we might have expected for the end of October, and the race itself was a lot of fun.那天早上天气很好,十月底的天气难得这么暖和,而且赛跑本身也是非常有趣的。

8.Such a method, which assigns a definite meaning once and for all to a particular symbol, allows a lot of problems to go by unnoticed.这样一个方法,一劳永逸地指定一个明确的意义给一个特别的符号,产生许多大家没有注意到的问题。

9.We're getting a lot of those right now because it has been a year since the earthquake, and you get these aggregate numbers.现在我们得到不少这样的报告,毕竟地震已过去了一年了,你再加总一下数据就能得出个大概。

10.Quite a few of foreign investors said that a lot of changes have taken place in Hefei over the last several years.不少在肥投资的外商纷纷表示,合肥短短几年间,城市的面貌发生了很大的变化。