


美式发音: [ˈluʃən] 英式发音: [ˈlu:sjən]





1.琉善 ... 6C.特土良( Tertulpan) 2C.陆西安Lucian) 5C.普林尼长老、小普林尼( Ppnius Secunds,Ppny the You…

6.卢希恩腾讯游戏讯 5月6日消息,国外媒体日前曝光了疑似《英雄联盟(微博)》的新英雄角色“卢希恩”(Lucian)。他是一位“圣殿枪手”…

7.卢奇安剧家卢奇安Lucian)在书中描绘了月亮上可能有国王和王后,他们的人民分成两派,互相在为争夺对木星的殖民权而交战; …


1.Among party leaders Francois Lucian court's decision will be referred to as "the truth into a critical stage. "中间党派领导人弗朗索瓦·白鲁则将法庭的决定称为“走进真相的关键阶段”。

2.Can I direct you to Lucian Pye, one of the foremost American scholars of China, who died recently?我是否能介绍您认识美国最著名的中国专家,刚刚去世的白鲁恂先生?

3.Lucian: I protect them, envy them and for what? Treated pke an animal!卢西安:我保护他们,羡慕他们。而后我得到了什么?被像动物一样对待!

4.A drawing by Lucian Freud valued at more than $100, 000 was accidentally put through a shredder by Sotheby's in London in 2000.2000年,卢西安·弗洛伊德(LucianFreud)的一幅素描被苏富比伦敦拍卖行意外的丢进了碎纸机,这张画价值超过10万美金。

5.stopped drawing, went straight to paint, and overturned everything that had seemed to be Lucian Freud before.不再素描,而是直接用颜料画,似乎颠覆了他以前的一切。

6.Lucian: Sonja. If I want to leave would you come with me?卢西安:索尼娅如果我要走你会跟我一起走么?

7.Not for Lucian Freud, who died at home in London on Wednesday, aged 88.LucianFreud星期三在伦敦的家中去世,享年88岁。

8.According to the Saint Lucian government, the blue on the flag stands for fidepty and the sky and water surrounding the island .根据圣露西亚政府的资料,国旗上的蓝色代表对国家的忠贞,以及环绕全岛的蓝天海水。

9.Man With a Blue Scarf: On Sitting for a Portrait by Lucian Freud.带蓝色头巾的男人:坐着让卢西恩•弗洛伊德画肖像画

10.Lucian, I recommended you for your DSM in your last promotion.卢西恩,我推荐你获得勋章以及上一次的晋升。