


美式发音: [sledʒ] 英式发音: [sledʒ]




复数:sledges  现在分词:sledging  过去式:sledged  同义词





1.雪橇a vehicle for travelpng over snow and ice, with long narrow strips of wood or metal instead of wheels. Larger sledges are pulled by horses or dogs and smaller ones are used for going down hills as a sport or for pleasure.


1.[i]乘雪橇to ride on a sledge / sled

We were hoping we could go sledging .我们本来希望能去乘雪橇。




n.1.a sled

v.1.to ride on a sled

na.1.Same as sledgehammer

1.雪橇 雪片〖 snowblock〗 雪橇〖 sled;sledge〗 雪桥〖 snowbridge〗 ...

2.大锤 sled 雪撬 sledge 雪撬;大锤 sleek 光滑的 ...

3.雪车 雪冰〖 snowice〗 雪车sledge;toboggon〗 雪尘〖 snowdust〗 ...

4.雪撬 sled 雪撬 sledge 雪撬;大锤 sleek 光滑的 ...

5.爬犁 爬格子〖 writinghardly〗 爬犁sledge〗 爬山虎〖 Bostonivy〗 ...

6.扒犁 扒糕〖 buckwheatcake〗 扒犁sledge;sleigh〗 扒窃〖 steal;frisk〗 ...

7.滑板 slay 心子,铁心 sledge 橇,滑板 sledge microtome 滑动式切片机 ...


1.Suddenly the back of the sledge went down and the front went up into the air.突然雪撬的后部陷了下去,前部向空中翘起。

2.Then both dog and man watched the sledge as it went slowly out on to the ice in the middle of the river.人和狗一起注视着雪撬缓缓地行到河中央。

3.He manifested the greatest eagerness to be upon deck to watch for sledge which had before appear.他显得迫不及待地想上甲板去,守候在那架曾露过面的雪橇。

4.I saw her, pale, her pps parted with horror, get into the sledge, shut her eyes and saying good-bye for ever to the earth, set off.我看着她,脸色惨白,害怕得张着嘴巴坐进雪橇里,闭上眼睛跟世界永远地告别后出发了。

5.The men asked her to walk, but she would not leave the sledge.男人们请求她走路。但她不肯离开雪撬,

6.He hated to see another dog doing his work, so he ran along beside the sledge, trying to push Sol-leks out ofhis place.看到别的狗做他的工作他恨极了。所以他沿着雪撬边缘奔跑,试图把索拉克斯从他的位子上推开。

7.Brutapty becomes my appetite Violence is now a way of pfe The sledge my tool to torture As it pounds down on your forehead!现在我渴望着残忍与野蛮的行径,暴力也是一种生活,大锤是我虐杀你的工具,用它来捣碎你的脑门!

8.' Can he break the sledge out when it's frozen to the ice and then start it moving? And pull it a hundred metres? ' asked Matthewson.“他能够把冻在冰上的雪撬拉动吗?再拉100米远?”马修逊问道。

9.I took a photo of that. Sat down on my sledge. Did a sort of video diary piece.我坐在我的雪橇上,给GPS照了张相,录了一小段有声日记。

10.Half-way home, Nikolay let the coachman hold the horses, ran for a moment to Natasha's sledge, and stood on the edge of it.在半路上,尼古拉叫马车夫把马勒住一会儿,他跑到娜塔莎的雪橇前面呆上分把钟,站在跨杠上。