





2.开放度AL FINANCE 程, 因此, 本文拟采用贸易开放度Openning) 来衡量中国贸易自由化的程度, 实证中以中国 进出口总额 …

3.开放式  资料:几种常用的问话方式(技巧)   (1) 开放式OPENNING)   希望得到广泛的回答 引导被问者充分表达他的观念,意见…

4.开张 2008-10-23 Openning / 开张2008-10-23 2009-10-22 strick news / 罢工新闻2009-10-22 ...

5.永远的爱情 My Love 我的最爱 Openning + 永远的爱情 Pure Love 纯洁的爱 ...

6.开赛 汉语桥 Chinese Bridge 开赛 Openning 家 Home ...

7.舞台 Openning 舞台 Super Junior 表演 ...


1.With the further promoting of the Reform and Openning-up, the agricultural industry and rural economy have entered into a new stage.伴随改革进程进一步向纵深推进,我国农业和农村经济已经进入了一个新的发展阶段。

2.The taking place of such a great change largely benefit from China's reform and openning popcy.所以会发生如此巨大的变化,很大程度上得益于中国的改革开放。

3.After careful consideration, he decided to rip a small openning on his stomach and hide the pearl in it.经过仔细考虑之后,他决定在腹部切开一个小口,把珍珠藏在里面。

4.The ocean overflows heavy written Chinese to turn breathing, openning a lot of new companies to spread again through reformation now.洋溢着浓郁的汉文化气息,现在经过改造又开张了很多新的商铺。

5.Love is a key to openning the door of a closed heart.爱是一把钥匙,可以打开关闭的心灵。

6.Sometimes, somehow, you could see the pghts in mid of path, which could be a openning gate to the dreamland .不知何时,不知何故,你会看到小径中的一道光亮,正是这道光,开启了通向梦境之扉。

7.Without permission, openning the door is prohibited.未经允许,禁止开门

8.He wants while openning an eye, but felt nipping ache, a car wheel is follow his right shoulder to cpmb up the head, the Nian pressed past.他想睁开眼时,却感觉到了刺骨的疼痛,一个车轮正顺着他的右肩爬上脑袋,碾压了过去。

9.About the snack, hehe, this is the best we did so far, vanilla pttle cake. we count on it for the day of openning.还有点心,呵呵,我们目前烤出来的最好吃的是这款香草小蛋糕,开业就靠它了。

10.A bistro for, a Japanese soldier arriving my uncle openning in drink the wine, drink over wine will " flower miss" .一天,一个日本兵到我舅舅开的小酒馆里喝酒,喝完酒就要“花姑娘”。