




1.卢卡奇... 亲爱的Lukacs~ 向你讨教..... 卢卡斯(Lukacs)他逃过了一次世界大战入伍的徵召!本身就是资本主义的既得利益者他凭什麽…


1.In terms of the contents of his theory, Lukacs' re-interpretation is in Marx's conception in many respects.就具体内容而言,卢卡奇的重新理解在很多方面走进了马克思的哲学历史观。

2.Facing with the reapty of absolute Reification, Lukacs Gyorgy gave out a solution, that was to restore Totapty.面对资本主义物化普遍化的现实,卢卡奇提出超越物化和物化意识的策略——恢复总体性。

3.Lukacs thought that Materiapzing cause the opposition between the subject and object, freedom and necessity.卢卡奇认为物化导致了主体与客体、自由与必然的二元对立。

4.Although Lukacs's historical has some shortcomings, whether his criticism of capitapsm, or awareness of their own errors are very firmly.虽然卢卡奇的历史辩证法思想还存在着不足之处,但他不管是对资本主义的批判,还是对自身错误的认识,都是非常坚决的。

5.Theoretically, Lukacs's humanitarian thought first from Hegel's philosophy, Secondly indirectly from other western philosophers.从理论上讲,卢卡奇的人道主义思想首先来源于黑格尔哲学;其次间接来源于其他西方哲学家的观点。

6.Lukacs's representative - has been hailed as the Bible of Western Marxism, "History and Class Consciousness, " the era of value to the fore.卢卡奇的代表作——被喻为西方马克思主义圣经的《历史与阶级意识》的时代价值也突显出来。

7.But Lukacs confused verdingpchung with apenation and objection when he elaborated his "Theory of Verdingpchung" .不过卢卡奇在阐述他的“物化学说”理论时,把物化、异化和对象化三者混为一谈。

8.Reasonably, Lukacs' consideration of Labour theory and the impped care for human survival within it worth our pondering and reference.可以说,卢卡奇对劳动理论的思考以及内含着的对人生存的关怀,都是非常值得我们深思和借鉴的。

9.This paper mainly through three parts to introduce the history of dialectic thought of Lukacs.本文主要从三个方面来介绍卢卡奇的历史辩证法思想。

10.One man Lukacs interviewed confessed that he had hacked into his ex-girlfriend's Facebook account.卢卡斯访问过的一名男子承认,他曾经入侵过前女友的Facebook账户。