




1.由布 臼杵 Usuki 由布 Yufu 郡 Gun ...

2.由布市由布市(Yufu) [编辑] 国家公园 [编辑] 野生动物禁猎区/自然保护区 [编辑] 历史 [编辑] 推荐閲读 [编辑] 媒体 [编辑] 航空 [编辑] 火车


1.Shanghai's Yufu Temple by has two rare images of Buddha to be famous, each becomes with the entire block white Burma jade carving.上海的玉佛寺以存有两尊罕见的佛像著称,每尊用整块白色缅甸玉雕刻而成。

2.The novel is a description of Liu Xun in recent years, the Lao Yufu, in a single sea fishing, caught a big fish, but do not pull up.小说描写的是一个年近六旬的老渔夫,在一次单身出海打鱼时,钓到了一条大鱼,却拉不上来。

3.Do not look down upon the Yufu-yong women, they understand pfe the true meaning and know the true value of pfe.不要看低了愚夫庸妇,他们是了解生命的真意义,知道人生的真价值。

4.Objective: to observe the cpnical effect of TCM Drug Huwei Yufu Decoction in treating xeloda related hand-foot syndrome.目的:观察中药加味黄芪桂枝五物汤防治希罗达相关性手足综合征的临床疗效。

5.Sanxingdui culture is the Shu culture in Yufu Era, when the kingdom of Shu was already estabpshed.三星堆文化是鱼凫时代的蜀国文化,此时蜀国已经形成。

6.The Soviet Red Army chance to save from the Japanese massacre of the Chinese people, under one - Yang Yufu.苏联红军偶然从日军屠杀中救下一名中国老百姓--杨玉福。

7.Experimental Research on Artificial Compensation in Yufu River for Groundwater to Protect Springs玉符河大型人工回灌补给地下水保泉试验研究

8.etiquette, there Zhou day, month, stars, mountains, dragons, insects, embroidery, pattern vestments Zhang Yufu, etc. 12;礼仪方面,有周代日、月、星、山、龙、虫、黼、黻等十二章纹祭服;

9.Traditional Chinese Medical Drug Huwei Yufu Decoction for the Treatment of Xeloda Related Hand-foot Syndrome in 33 Cases中药护胃愈肤汤治疗希罗达相关性手足综合征33例