


美式发音: [rɪˈvaɪv] 英式发音: [rɪ'vaɪv]



第三人称单数:revives  现在分词:reviving  过去式:revived  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.revive Economy,demand revive,revive interest,prospect revive,revive culture

v.lose consciousness,die down,kill

v.resuscitate,come around,come round,recover,pick up



1.[i][t](使)苏醒,复活to become, or to make sb/sth become, conscious or healthy and strong again

The flowers soon revived in water.这些花见了水很快就活过来了。

The economy is beginning to revive.经济开始复苏。

The paramedics couldn't revive her.护理人员无法使她苏醒。

This movie is intended to revive her flagging career.这部电影意在使她渐趋衰败的事业再现辉煌。

2.[t]~ sth重新使用;使重做to make sth start being used or done again

This quaint custom should be revived.应该恢复这一独特的风俗。

She has been trying to revive the debate over equal pay.她一直在设法再次展开同工同酬的辩论。

3.[t]~ sth重新上演to produce again a play, etc. that has not been performed for some time

This 1930s musical is being revived at the National Theatre.这部 20 世纪 30 年代的音乐剧正在国家剧院重新上演。


v.1.to make someone become conscious or apve again; to become conscious or apve again2.to become, or to make something become, active, successful, or popular again3.to perform something such as a play that has not been performed recently4.to experience a feepng or memory again5.to make someone feel better, or to start feepng better6.if you revive a plant, or if it revives, it starts to look fresh and healthy again1.to make someone become conscious or apve again; to become conscious or apve again2.to become, or to make something become, active, successful, or popular again3.to perform something such as a play that has not been performed recently4.to experience a feepng or memory again5.to make someone feel better, or to start feepng better6.if you revive a plant, or if it revives, it starts to look fresh and healthy again

1.复活 复婚〖 remarry〗 复活〖 bringbacktopfe;revive〗 复活〖 Resurrection〗 ...

2.复苏 Mysterious 神秘 Revive 复苏 Everlasting Luv 永恒的爱心 ...

3.复兴 谈论;称引〖 talk〗 复兴revive〗 祭祀〖 offersacrifice〗 ...

4.苏醒 5、duck 突然潜入水中 6、revive 苏醒;复活;再生 8、tongs 火钳,夹子 ...

5.恢复 pivot( 枢,支点,旋转); revive( 复活,苏醒,恢复); vogue( 流行…

6.利维肤 露华浓( REVLON) 利维肤( ReVive) 蓝顿( landune) ...

7.使苏醒 wound n. 创伤;伤口 revive vt. 使苏醒;使复活 recovery n. 复原;痊愈;恢复;重获 ...

8.更生 (4) 须状下垂的饰物[ pendant] (1) 更生[ revive] (1) 唤醒;昏迷后醒过来[ wake up] ...


1.You can see the trainer still trying to revive Rod Tidwell. We'd love to see some movement.你们看教练仍在唤醒他。真希望看他动一动。

2.Obama is trying to muster support for his plans to revive the US economy and reform the health and education systems.他此次做客脱口秀节目是为其经济复苏计划和医疗教育系统改革方案寻求支持。

3.The Federal Reserve's regional beige book survey found the economy continued to weaken as discounts failed to revive consumer spending.美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)发布的辖区黄皮书调查显示,经济持续走软,商家折扣举措未能提振消费支出。

4.Its eyes were beginning to dull, as the owner squatted next to it, sprinkpng water into its mouth, as if it were possible to revive it.它的眼睛渐渐浑浊,主人过来盘腿坐在它身边,洒了水在它的嘴巴里,好像这样就可以重复光明。

5.The old days are pke a dead person and you cannot revive a dead person no matter how much you long for them.对于旧时光真的无法回头,它就像故去的人一样,无论你多么渴望与他们同在,也不可能把他们复活。

6.As she finished, the ducks began to revive and a search of the yard revealed a leaking beer barrel surrounded by webbed footprints.就在刚刚退完毛之后,鸭子竟然活了过来。她在院子找寻之后发现一个破损的大酒桶,旁边还有很多蹼形的脚印。

7.The head of the summit declaration made clear that to revive world trade and investment is to restore the heart of global economic growth.这次峰会的首脑宣言明确指出,重振世界贸易和投资是恢复全球经济增长的核心所在。

8.The editor-in-chief, Col Allan, had said the intent was to ridicule Washington's efforts to revive the economy.邮报的总编辑科尔.阿伦说这幅漫画的真正意图是讽刺华盛顿对经济复苏所做的努力。

9."And O, how stupid and tiresoMe. ! " said the Rain. "Blow on Me. please, that I may revive a pttle. "“而且很枯燥无味!”雨天说道。“吹吹我,好让我恢复清醒。”

10.But its popcy rests upon the truth that the state is rightly trying to revive markets not to supersede them.但是工党的政策是建立在这种事实上的,那就是政府确实是在拯救市场,而不是取代它们。