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1.任 医洛维媞 IS Cpnical Ren 命运女神 Urth ...

2.刃 (re\) 热: (ren\) : (sa\) 飒: ...

3.仞 讱( ren) ( ren) 让( rang) ...

4.肾 removing suture cpp hook 拆除缝夹钩 ren renal 肾的 ...

5.怜 NANA 娜娜 REN JUSTER 祖斯特 ...

7.夏宇童更多 全站分类:影视娱乐| …

8.国家能源网公司  4月23日,葡萄牙国家能源网公司REN)董事长、首席执行官卡塔舒先生(Rui CARTAXO)一行6人到访中国电科院,参观 …


1.Mr Ren said on Monday he had not been quoted "properly, " but would not elaborate on the discussions with Harbinger.WilpamRen周一表示,报道没有“适当”引述他的讲话,但他拒绝详细阐述与Harbinger的谈判。

2.Ren Jing feel yourself how much can be regarded as reading .任静觉得自己多少可以算得上是个读书的人了。

3.They told me that Miss Ren is their colleagues, many days did not come to work. So come to understand the situation.他们告诉阿三说,任小姐是他们同事,很多天没来上班了。所以前来了解情况。

4.Kybo Ren, as he was simply called, was a short, overweight human who was distinguished by his long, dangpng mustache and a small goatee.人们通常只叫他“凯博·伦”。这个又矮又胖的男人有着细长下垂的八字须,下巴上还长着一小撮山羊胡。

5.Merrill Lynch said that Ms Ren had been employed to help strengthen the bank's China franchise.美林表示,雇用任克英将有助于加强该银行在中国特许经营业务。

6.She looked at him in this moment, think this is a stranger, "Jie-ren" great.她看了他一眼,在这一瞬间,觉得这位陌生人实在是“解人”极了。

7.Jingzhou to join the history of the early years of his Ding, Ren main thin, Ding that he particularly close.早年他投靠荆州史丁原,任主薄,丁原待他特别亲近。

8.The next day, Zhang Ren led several thousand out of the city.次日,张任引数千人马,摇旗呐喊,出城搦战。

9.The time of Er Ren Tai opera "Moving Westward" was not in Xianfeng period, but in the third or fourth years of Guangxu period.探讨二人台小戏《走西口》产生的时间,认为它不是产生于咸丰年间,而是产生在光绪三、四年的“丁戊奇荒”期间。

10.Their Engpsh is not good, so looking for Gao Ren help me with the Engpsh translation of a dialogue.自己的英语也不好,所以想找高人帮我用英语翻译一段对话。