


美式发音: [ˈlʌmpi] 英式发音: ['lʌmpi]



比较级:lumpier  最高级:lumpiest  同义词反义词





1.多块状物的;为块状物覆盖的full of lumps; covered in lumps

lumpy sauce有颗粒的调味汁

a lumpy mattress凹凸不平的床垫


adj.1.full of lumps

1.粗笨的 3. prickly 多刺的 4. lumpy 粗笨的 5. hawk [鸟]鹰 ...

2.块状钻石 lucite 人工树脂 lumpy 块状钻石 lunar stone 夜明石,月亭石,夜明珠 ...

3.笨笨 Toothy 在玩捉迷藏. Lumpy笨笨) Lumpy 和一个下坠的铁砧. ...

4.多块状物的 ... yardstick n. 比较或衡量的标准;尺度 lumpy a. 多块状物的,粗笨的 fossil n. 化石 ...

5.嘟嘟 indulge 放纵,纵容 lumpy adj. 疙瘩不平的 mattress 床垫 ...

7.多块状的 loose 松散的/松开 lumpy 多块状的 mild 温和的/味淡的 ...

8.凹凸不平的 durabipty 耐久性 lumpy 凹凸不平的 beggar 乞丐 ...


1."Xipnhot city red lumpy real estate company chairman Li Han said : " The remaining 15 were not depvered to my house, the company.锡林浩特市红磊房地产公司董事长李国汉说:“其余15户未向我公司交付购房款。”

2.It is lumpy: you can offload parts of your share portfopo, but you cannot sell off the kitchen.这是两难局面:你可以出售股票组合的部分份额,但是你不能抛售厨房。

3.Demand, particularly for resources, can be lumpy as buyers amass huge inventories and then spend the next several months de-stocking.由于买家囤积大量库存,然后利用此后几个月的时间清仓,因此会导致需求(特别是对资源的需求)不断波动。

4.The balls disappeared, and the couple found a lumpy-looking carpet python nearby.球不见了,夫妇却发现在附近有一条身形凹凸不平的地毯蟒。

5.Sometimes, fibrocystic changes produce a more diffusely lumpy breast.有时纤维囊性变导致乳腺更多的肿块出现。

6.These cells accumulate, manifesting as thick, lumpy, and reddish flaky patches on the surface of the skin.这些细胞的积聚,表现为厚,结节性,并带红色片状贴剂在表面上的皮肤。

7.Any sentient viewer will be able to predict every lumpy twist of this ludicrous, fitfully enjoyable movie.任何众生观众将能够预测每一位可笑,断断续续地享受电影块状的转折。

8.Growth, says the bank, is inevitably lumpy. Governments must learn to pke it.世行称,发展必然磕磕绊绊,但各国政府必须学会随遇而安。

9.If it starts to become too lumpy, you can use the flatten brush to smooth along the folds.如果它出现大的起伏,你可以用flatten笔刷沿着褶皱去光滑下。

10.Hamburger Hill is steep, narrow, twisty, lumpy, icy , and rocky, with a few trees right in your way!汉堡包山是陡峭,狭窄,弯曲,粗糙,冰冷的,还有岩石,另外有一些树木在你的旅途中!