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un.1.historic city in southern Sweden, situated about 18 km (11 mi) northeast of Malmö.


2.瑞典隆德住在瑞典隆德(Lund) 从台湾来的我嫁到位於波罗的海的拉脱维亚的先生, 因为我先生工作的关系, 於是我们全家自拉脱维亚移居 …

3.瑞典的隆德  瑞典的隆德(Lund)学校是一所非常典型的生态学校,室内设施选用健康材料。为了避免严寒气候下热量的散失,建筑物墙体加厚 …

4.瑞典南部隆德在瑞典南部隆德Lund),索尼聘请了2500名员工,这是索尼的一个重要研发中心。 周二时,索尼公布业绩显示,年度净亏损 …

5.瑞典兰德这项研究是由瑞典兰德Lund)大学进行,受测者为18到65岁共1万2千名上班族,结果显示,开车或使用大众交通工具上班的 …

6.瑞典龙德在从前的学生和瑞典龙德Lund)大学拉­乌尔·沃伦伯格(Raoul Wallenberg)研究所的帮助下,王法官组织了这次会议,邀请 …


1.Lund told the court his wife's death was a "tragic accident" and that she had taken a wrong turn in her 4x4 in stormy conditions.隆德告诉法庭,他的妻子的死是一场“悲剧”,她在暴风雪里开错了四驱车的方向。

2.Boys wave Polish flag as they cheer during the main round match between Poland and Serbia at the Men's Handball World Championship in Lund.在瑞典隆德举行的世界男子手球锦标赛上,男孩们在波兰与塞尔维亚的主赛局中挥动波兰国旗欢呼。

3.Scientists at Lund University in Sweden have found a gene that appears to lie behind many of the most severe urinary tract infections.瑞典Lund大学的科学家们已经发现了一种基因,这种基因是很多泌尿系统感染的发生原因。

4.Lund, 38, has Down syndrome and was helping to bake the cinnamon-sugar cookies with a care worker in a group home on a recent afternoon.隆德,38岁,患有唐氏综合症,并帮助烘烤用在不久前的一个下午之家护理员的肉桂糖饼干。

5.Lund's lawyer, Thomas Levy, said in a statement that Lund "did not mislead anyone. "伦德的律师托马斯•利维(ThomasLevy)在一项声明中说,伦德“没有误导任何人”。

6.Lund had said that she must be out of her flat, and in the open air, for at least two hours every day.但伦德医生认为她必须走出公寓,每天至少在室外呆上两个小时。

7.Seban also said that the clothes Lund's wife was wearing when she died were different from those she had been wearing at her friend's house.塞邦也指出,隆德妻子死亡时身上所穿衣服与在朋友家所穿衣服截然不同。

8.One reason might be that the smallest cars are not driven as many miles on high-speed roadways, Mr. Lund said.究其原因,可能是体型最小的车辆的高速公路行驶里程不如小型车,Lund先生如是说。

9.Not at all, says physiologist Johan Andersson at Lund University in Sweden, who studies the effects of breath-holding in divers.在瑞典Lund大学研究潜水者屏息效应的生理学家JohanAndersson可不这样认为。

10.The group is two-thirds owned by the Norwegian state but Mr Lund insisted it was a "non-political entity" .该公司三分之二股权由挪威政府持有,但伦德坚持称该公司“不是政治实体。”