



美式发音: [snɔr] 英式发音: [snɔː(r)]

v.打鼾;在鼾声中混过 (away; out)



复数:snores  现在分词:snoring  过去式:snored  同义词




v.1.打鼾,打呼噜;在鼾声中混过 (away; out)

n.1.a sound that you make when you breathe noisily while you sleep

v.1.to breathe noisily while you sleep

1.打鼾 [Sneezing] 打喷嚏 [Snoring] 打鼾 [Dysphonia] 发音困难 ...

2.鼾声 斯内伦氏视力表 snellens test-chart 鼾声 snoring 鼾睡 snoring sleep ...

3.减少打鼾 BAD FOR:Causing aches and pains 坏处:引发疼痛 GOOD FOR:Snoring 好处:减少打鼾 GOOD FOR:Acid reflux 好处: …

4.打呼噜 组织病理学 histopathological 鼾症 snoring 硅胶 silicone ...

6.打鼻鼾 090423 西瓜刨 刨西瓜 water melon killer 090421 打鼻鼾 snoring 090421 讲 拜拜 bye by…


1.Though many consider snoring to be a nighttime problem, it has real consequences on your waking life, too, particularly for your wallet.虽然很多人认为打呼噜只是个晚上睡觉时的毛病,但是它也能影响你白天的生活,尤其是你钱包的厚度。

2.As the man was snoring in the front row one Sunday, the preacher determined he would fix him once and for all.一个礼拜日,这家伙又开始打呼噜了,牧师决定修理他一下,以惩一儆百。

3.His snoring was like the plot of a good action movie, with plenty of rising action.他的鼾声堪比一部动作大片,充满精彩情节。

4.I began to listen carefully to the sound, and found that this snoring in showing, it is their tired and the son of QuanQuan heart.我开始仔细听着这声音,发现这鼾声中透着的,正是他们的疲倦和对儿子的拳拳的心。

5.Weight is usually the main cause of snoring so shedding excess fat around the neck will stop extra pressure being put on the airways.受压通常都是打鼾的主要因素,因此减少颈部周围过量的脂肪能够为呼吸道减压,从而减少打鼾。

6.but just then it was like music to hear my friends snoring together so loud and peaceful in their sleep.但当时听到自己的朋友们在沉睡中一起发出那么响、那么安宁的鼾声,就简直像听到美妙的音乐。

7.Rochelle Thomas has gotten so fed up with her husband's snoring over the years that she's created a 'three strikes rule. '罗谢尔-托马斯(RochelleThomas)早就厌烦了丈夫多年来的鼾声如雷,如今她自创了一套“三招惩罚规则”。

8.As the man was snoring in the front row one Sunday, the preacher determined he would teach him not to sleep during the sermon.一个星期日当这个男人装前排打起呼噜时,这个牧师决定教他在布道的时候不要睡觉。

9.Listen again carefully, ah, this seems to be what passes in snoring abundance of means.再仔细听,啊,这鼾声中似乎透出什么绵长的意味。

10.The lavatory and shower facilities are shared -- the hotel is only opened to men. It has also set aside an area for snoring guests.卫生间和淋浴室是公用的,旅馆只对男士开放。另有单独为打鼾住客准备的房间。