



美式发音: [vend] 英式发音: [vend]



第三人称单数:vends  现在分词:vending  过去式:vended  同义词

v.sell,trade,deal in,hawk,flog



v.1.to sell something

1.贩卖 ... (用户字典服务) UserDictionaryProvider.odex (贩卖Vending.odex (可视化壁纸) VisualizationWallpaper…

2.电子市场 Updater.apk 在线升级(可删) Vending 电子市场 VoiceDialer 语音拨号 …

3.出售 ... Room 房间 住处 Vending 出售 Machine 机器 机械 ...

4.自动贩卖 ... vendible 可贩卖的 vending 自动贩卖 venerable 值得尊敬的 ...

5.贩卖的 ... *outside: a. 外面的,外部的;外界的; *vending: a. 贩卖的; *in charge of: phra. 负责,管 …

6.露天商店 40 MC_IDENTIFY 物品鉴定 41 MC_VENDING 露天商店 42 MC_MAMMONITE 金钱攻击 ...

7.饮料贩卖机 饮料贩卖机 (Vending)


1.And when all this became clear to me, I realized the only obvious thing to do is build a vending machine.当我知道这一切以后,我决定要专门为它们做一台自动售货机。

2.Vending machines, believed to be the source of cigarettes for up to a fifth of young smokers, will also face a ban or age-proofing measures.自动售卖机,据信是五分之一年轻吸烟者的卷烟来源,也面临着被禁,或者要求采取年龄确认的措施。

3.Judge, when I put a dollar into a vending machine, and a Pepsi comes out, does the Pepsi belong to me or to the machine?法官大人!当我把一块钱塞进自动贩卖机,然后滚出一瓶百事可乐来,难道这可乐会属于那部机器的吗?

4.Beijing cracked down on street vending ahead of the Olympics a year ago, and the number of peddlers in the city center remains diminished.去年北京奥运会之前,北京市取缔了流动商贩,目前市中心的商贩数目因此而减少。

5.The selection in many vending machines has barely changed, if it has changed at all, in a generation.长期以来,很多自动售货机出售的食品品种即便有所变化也并不显著。

6.But analysts said the greatest value of school vending machines was their ability to capture brand loyalty among young consumers.但分析师表示,校园自动售货机的最大价值在于,它们能够在年轻消费者中培养品牌忠诚度。

7.This vending machine is out of order , Get a mechanic to see to it .这个自动贩卖机已经坏掉了,让修理工看一下。

8.Six chimps were trained to operate a special vending machine. One ripe grape came out for each while taken put into the shot.我们训练6个黑猩猩使用一台特殊的售货机.从投币口投入一个硬币就会出来一颗成熟的葡萄。

9."You're not even mindful that you're not eating healthy, " he said, adding that he started relying on vending machines.“你甚至多没有警觉到你的饮食不健康,”他说,补充说他开始依赖自动售货机。

10.Managers of such areas are required to put in place notices to inform the public of this measure, and vending machines are not allowed.要求此类场所的经营者设置通告,使公众了解这一措施,且不得设置自动售烟机。