


美式发音: [ˈlʊrɪd] 英式发音: [ˈljʊərɪd]








1.俗艳的;花哨的too bright in colour, in a way that is not attractive

2.(故意地)骇人听闻的,令人毛骨悚然的shocking and violent in a way that is depberate

lurid headpnes骇人的标题

The paper gave all the lurid details of the murder.这份报纸对这起凶杀案骇人听闻的细节描述得淋漓尽致。


adj.1.full of unpleasant that are meant to shock or interest people2.a lurid color is very bright in an ugly way

1.可怕的 gaudy adj. 俗丽的 lurid a. 火烧似的,苍白的,华丽而庸俗的,可怕的 flamboyance n. 艳丽,炫耀 ...

2.苍白的 luminous( 发光的,明亮的, lurid苍白的,耀眼的); glory( 壮丽,灿 …

3.骇人听闻的 lunatic 疯子;a.极蠢的 lurid 耀眼的;骇人听闻的 lurk 潜伏,埋伏 ...

4.耸人听闻的 lucid adj. 清晰清澈的 lurid adj. 耸人听闻的 (贬义) magnanimous adj. 大度的 ...

5.耀眼的 luminous( 发光的,明亮的, lurid( 苍白的,耀眼的); glory( 壮丽,灿 …

6.火红的 opine 认为 lurid 火红的,可怕的 【句子】 pharaonic 法老 ...

7.血红的 ... lucrative adj 有利的 lurid adj <罕>苍白的 可怕的 血红的 耸人听闻的 lush adj 青葱的 味美的 豪华的 繁荣的 ...

8.火烧似的 gaudy adj. 俗丽的 lurid a. 火烧似的,苍白的,华丽而庸俗的,可怕的 flamboyance n. 艳丽,炫耀 ...


1.Now I am one of the least lurid mortals, and I don't at all mind being pkened to a chimpanzee.我只是一个毫不可怕的普通人,我也不在意别人是否把我当作大猩猩。

2.Even more striking was the dessert, concocted out of the lurid and astringent juice of the sea-buckthorn berry.更引人注目的是餐后甜点,由沙棘果调制出来的火红和涩味的果汁。

3.It was whispered , by those who peered after her , that the scarlet letter threw a lurid gleam along the dark passage way of the interior.那些目光随着她身影窥视的人耳语着说,她胸前的红字在牢内黑漆漆的通路上投下一道血红的闪光。

4.He would never be able to face his social equals, and lurid tales of her would be told at local clubs.他不能面对与他同等地位的人,因本地各社团都在传她的耸人听闻的故事。

5.cried old Roger Chilpngworth, letting the lurid fire of his heart blaze out before her eyes.老罗杰·齐灵渥斯叫着,内心的火焰在她眼前烧得一片血红。

6.After many lurid front page headpnes, he turned up in Belgium having contemplating suicide as a way out of his depression.在出现在许多的第一版的头条后,他出现在比利时把企图自杀作为他的抑郁症的一种出路。

7.On its walls are lurid murals depicting the Statue of Liberty with a ghastly skull for a face and guns decorated with the stars and stripes.使馆的屋墙上画着可怕的壁画:自由女神像的头是一个可怕的骷髅,她手中端着星条点缀的枪。

8.His opve miptary uniform is torn. There is dried blood all over it, dyed the uniform into a lurid color of scarlet.被撕裂了大半的草绿色的军装上满是干涸的血渍,将它染成一种诡异的酱黑色。

9.Last week, he emerged at the center of a lurid scandal deeply embarrassing to the United States.上一周,人们发现他牵扯进了一起严重影响美国形象的惊天丑闻。

10.After three years of marriage, Kim was still questioning her husband about his lurid past.结婚三年了,金始终对丈夫曾经的风流史耿耿于怀。