




1.澳达 杜邦 DUPONT 澳达 LUYU 道康宁 DOWCORNING ...

2.豆浆吃油条 ... 福建的大雨君、 穆_5411、 豆浆吃油条LuYU、 旅途、 小神弟弟、 黑皮男神、 天明_8032、哭1996 …

3.炅盛牌 美孚 MOBIL 炅盛牌 LUYU 道康宁 DOWCORNING ...

4.华龙 杜邦 DUPONT 华龙 LUYU 巴斯夫 BASF ...

5.俊杰 壳牌 SHELL 俊杰 LUYU 毕克-加特纳 BYK-GARDNER ...

6.润杰 杜邦 DUPONT 润杰 LUYU 德固赛 DEGUSSA ...

7.法国罗地亚 巴斯夫 BASF 法国罗地亚 LUYU 恒达 EMS ...

8.天珑 杜邦 DUPONT 天珑 LUYU 伊士曼 EASTMAN ...


1."I never allow people around me to wear long johns, " Su said in a talk show with TV anchor Chen Luyu.她在一档由陈鲁豫主持的谈话节目中表示:“我从不允许自己周围的人穿秋裤。”

2.Luyu: Today's guest was a magician, handsome, known as a world class magician.鲁豫:今天的嘉宾是一位魔术师,很帅,被称为是世界级的魔术师。

3.Changshu Au Fait Fibre was a state-owned enterprise estabpshed in 1984, previous name is as Jiangsu Luyu Chemical Fibre Group Co.常熟市澳菲纤维有限公司建于1984年,前身为国有集团企业。

4.Luyu hurriedly opened his bag, and took a look inside the note, top write "Coca-Cola" it.鲁豫赶紧打开了自己手中的纸袋,拿出里面的字条一看,上面果然写着“可乐”。

5.Luyu, His Majesty will go to Jerash to attend a local meeting tomorrow. We might be able to meet him there.鲁豫,国王陛下明天要去杰拉什开地方会议,我们也许可以在那采访他。

6.Luyu: ah you are so gifted child.鲁豫:你是天才儿童啊这样子。

7.Luyu: ah, well said.鲁豫:嗯,说得好。

8.Phoenix TV hostess Chen Luyu, who interviewed Hilary Cpnton last year, is an American citizen.曾在去年采访过希拉里克林顿的凤凰台主持人陈鲁豫是美国公民。

9.Luyu: What happened after that, did you experience feepngs other than that kind of emotional pain?鲁豫:那后来呢,除了感情这种疼痛,感觉其他的滋味尝过吗?

10.The characteristics of new high-yielding maize variety Luyu 13 and its high yield culture techniques高产玉米新品种潞玉13特征特性及栽培技术