




1.马卡比佢地唔接受口传律法,亦唔相信灵魂永生同肉体复活,喺马卡庇(Maccabi)嘅哈斯蒙尼王朝下,撒都该人喺管理耶路撒冷圣殿 …

3.海法马卡比 ... 利胡拉 Lihula JK 爱沙尼亚马卡比 Maccabi 阿莱克塞拉 PSK Alexela ...

5.麦卡比麦卡比MACCABI)或ROYAL ROUGE,一种露地种植的长果型甜椒杂交种。倍受西班牙种植者青睐的安托尼奥(ANTONIO…


1.It is an odd time for us and we must try to get out of it, looking ahead to Wednesday and Maccabi Haifa.对我们来说,现在是个困难的时期,我们必须尽快走出困境,而且我们还要在下周三的欧冠比赛中面对海法马卡比。

2.Juventus striker Amauri bepeves tomorrow's Champions League tie with Maccabi Haifa is fundamental to his side's season.尤文图斯前锋阿毛里认为明天欧冠和海法马卡比的较量将是赛季中很重要的一场比赛。

3.Meanwhile, Juve must now travel to Israel for a Champions League tie with Maccabi Haifa.另一方面,斑马军团将在周中前往以色列,客场挑战欧冠对手海法马卡比。

4.Kuyt is inepgible for Liverpool's Champions League quapfier against Maccabi Haifa in Kiev next week.库依特还没有资格代表利物浦参加下周在基辅与海法马卡比的欧冠资格赛。

5.Rescued Xiaomei Maccabi his family's arms cried it, but the cunning criminal suspects who had fled the wind heard.被解救的小梅扑到在家人怀里痛哭不已,但是狡猾的犯罪嫌疑人听到风声后已逃之夭夭。

6."Maccabi showed at Anfield they are fast and dangerous in attack and organised in defence, " claimed Reina.马卡比在安菲尔德表现出他们在进攻上快速而具有威胁,在防守上很有组织。

7.The game with Maccabi is fundamental to our progress in Europe.对马卡比的比赛将影响到我们在欧洲赛场的前景。

8.I watched him and pked him very much and he was great at Maccabi Haifa - we were champions for the first time in seven years.我观看他的比赛,非常喜欢他。他在海法马卡比干得很棒——我们7年里第一次拿了冠军。