




1.马查多 卡司诺 Klassno 玛卡多 Machado 啡特力 Apcafe ...

3.麦查多上世纪30年代革命斗争的第二个时期,青年们反对独裁者麦查多Machado),还附带开辟第二条战线反对西班牙共和国,就 …



6.马沙杜蔡斯国民银行向古巴的马沙杜Machado)总统、一个杀人成性的独裁者慷慨地提供私人信贷额度,一度达到了20万美元。[15] …

7.马沙铎葡萄牙派曾任葡属东非殖民总督的马沙铎Machado)将军为谈判代表,中国方面的谈判代表则由曾任中法云南交涉使的福建 …


1.Three weeks ago Machado said he heard from a neighbor that the rail pne was being rerouted through his dairy to avoid a nearby wetland.Machado说,3周之前,他从自己的邻居处得知高铁线路将会改线穿过他的农场以避开附近的湿地。

2.In Caracas, opposition candidate Maria Corina Machado said Venezuelans do not want to see the county pushed further toward Communism.在加拉加斯,反对党候选人马查多女士说,委内瑞拉选民不愿意看到自己的国家被进一步推向共产主义制度。

3.Worse was to come, though, after the Japanese invasion reached Shanghai and the prosperous port city became an occupied one.日军侵略后,上海这个繁荣的港口城市也沦为日军殖民地,Machado一家陷入了更大的困境。

4.The so-called Machado-Joseph disease is at the center of the current Bonn study.波恩现在正在研究马查多-约瑟夫病。

5.Machado remained friends with Avedon, who collaborated with her until his death from a brain hemorrhage in 2004.Machado和Avendo一直是非常好的朋友,他们一直保持合作,直至2004年Avendo死于脑部大量出血。

6.The appointment of Machado Ventura, a member of Raul Castro's inner circle, suggested change would be subtle.对马查多・温杜拉的任命显示,不会有大的变化。他是卡斯特罗圈子里的一员。

7."It was about. . . survival. Do you know survival? " Machado asked.这是……生存的问题。你明白吗,生存?

8.Chinese representative for the high-him, the Portuguese side is represented Machado degrees.中方代表为高而谦,葡方代表是马沙度。

9."We left Shanghai as the Japanese invaded, " Machado said.日军侵略后我们就离开了上海。

10.Spanish poet Antonio Machado wrote, 'Between pving and dreaming there is a third thing. Guess it. ' Give us your guess.西班牙诗人安东尼·马卡多写到:“在现实和梦想之间有第三样东西,猜猜看。”告诉我们你的答案。