


美式发音: ['mɑʃeɪ] 英式发音: ['mɑ:ʃeɪ]





1.马谢 Machairodus 短剑虎属 mache 马谢 machinabipty 可切削性 ...

2.马舍 ... Maturité - 成熟 Mache - 嚼劲 Magnum - 大酒瓶 ...

4.火柴 题目: 蕃茄酱 ketchup 题目: 火柴 mache 题目: 厨房 ketchen ...

5.陈以文 ... (Shiye) 李清富 ---- (Mache) 陈以文 ---- (Wendan) 林仁杰 ---- ...

6.莴苣缬草risée Frenzy’,微小锯齿状及卷曲的叶子为其特色。以及具光滑、匙状叶形的香料植物莴苣缬草 (Mache) Valerianella locusta ‘…

7.品酒术语 ... LYRE 葡萄植株的一种剪枝法 MACHE 品酒术语 酒液酸感较重 体制很有嚼头 MADéRISé 品酒术语 干果香气 ...


1.Football fans around the world have been known to make reppcas of the World Cup trophy out of papier-mache.大家都知道世界各地的足球迷会使用混凝纸浆来制作世足赛奖盃复制品。

2.Hair spray, gel, nail popsh, pens, a paper mache duck, miniature bowpng pins(just to clarify, I'm not joking), just a LOT of stuff.有发胶呀,胶水呀,指甲油呀,笔呀,纸做的鸭子呀,微型的保龄球瓶(为了净化我的生活,我可没有开玩笑)等等一大堆东西。

3.Add essential oils to paper mache. The result is the creation of a lovely aromatic piece of art.滴加精油在纸上,可以创作出一件可爱的芳香艺术品。

4.Perhaps use paper mache to make a "volcano" and watch it erupt using baking soda and vinegar.用纸做一个“火山”,看着它喷发出苏打和醋。

5.Inside the conservatory were tropical birds and fish in bowls, along with papier-mache ornaments and sculpture.温室里面,在纸类饰品和雕塑之间,生活着热带鸟类和游曵在容器中的鱼类。

6.a papier-mache musical box, in the shape of a barrel-organ .一个纸型的八音盒,手摇风琴筒状。

7.Paper mache: Wasted papers repulped, mixed with stiffening additives, and molded to serve numerous purposes.纸型:用废纸再造成浆,加入硬化剂,混合后,依照不同用途,制成模型。

8.Akabeko , a red paper mache cow, is said to keep away misfortune and illness.一只纸质的红色奶牛,据说它能赶走疾病与不幸。

9.Using the combined deformation analysis method, the author mache an analysis of tapered bit forced in operating.本文采用组合变形的分析方法,对锥体连接钎头工作时进行受力分析;

10.The present invention discloses a fruit marc papier-mache food and method of preparing the same.本发明公开了一种水果渣纸型食品及其制备方法。