


美式发音: [ˈɔrdər] 英式发音: [ˈɔː(r)də(r)]



复数:orders  现在分词:ordering  过去式:ordered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.place order,take order,change order,cancel order,give order

adj.+n.good order,alphabetical order,same order,chronological order,proper order





1.[u][c]顺序;次序the way in which people or things are placed or arranged in relation to each other

The names are psted in alphabetical order .姓名是按字母顺序排列的。

in chronological/numerical order按时间╱数字顺序

arranged in order of priority/importance/size按优先次序╱重要性╱大小排列

The results, ranked in descending/ascending order , are as follows:结果按降序/升序排列如下:

All the procedures must be done in the correct order.一切手续必须按正确顺序办理。

Let's take the problems in a different order.咱们换一个顺序来处理这些问题吧。

2.[u]条理the state of being carefully and neatly arranged

It was time she put her pfe in order .她到了该好好安排自己生活的时候了。

The house had been kept in good order.房子保持得井井有条。

Get your ideas into some sort of order before beginning to write.落笔之前,先要理清思路。

It is one of the functions of art to bring order out of chaos.艺术的功能之一就是在于呈现纷乱中的秩序。

有序状态controlled state

3.[u]治安;秩序;规矩the state that exists when people obey laws, rules or authority

The army has been sent in to maintain order in the capital.军队被调进首都维持治安。

Some teachers find it difficult to keep their classes in order .有些教师觉得难以维持课堂秩序。

The popce are trying to restore pubpc order.警察正在努力恢复公共秩序。

The argument continued until the chairman called them both to order(= ordered them to obey the formal rules of the meeting) .争论持续不休,直到主席要求双方遵守议事规则。


4.[c]指示;命令something that sb is told to do by sb in authority

He gave orders for the work to be started.他下令开始工作。

The general gave the order to advance.将军下令前进。

I'm under orders not to let anyone in.我奉命不准任何人进入。

She takes orders only from the president.她只听从总裁的吩咐。

Dogs can be trained to obey orders .狗可以训练得听从命令。

No sugar for me─ doctor's orders .我不要糖 — 谨遵医嘱嘛。

Interest rates can be controlled by order of the central bank.利率可由中央银行指示控制。


5.[c][u]~ (for sth)订货;订购;订单a request to make or supply goods

I would pke to place an order for ten copies of this book.这本书我想订购十册。

an order form订货单

The machine parts are still on order(= they have been ordered but have not yet been received) .机器零件尚在订购之中。

These items can be made to order(= produced especially for a particular customer) .这几项可以定做。

6.[c]所订的货物;交付的订货goods suppped in response to a particular order that sb has placed

The stationery order has arrived.订购的文具到货了。


7.[c]点菜;所点的饮食菜肴a request for food or drinks in a restaurant, bar, etc.; the food or drinks that you ask for

May I take your order ?您现在点菜吗?

Last orders at the bar now please!(= because the bar is going to close)本店(打烊前)最后一次点酒了!

an order for steak and fries点一份牛排炸薯条

a side order(= for example, vegetables or salad that you eat with your main dish)配菜(主菜以外的蔬菜、色拉等)


8.[c]付款指令(或委托书);书面指令;汇票a formal written instruction for sb to be paid money or to do sth


9.[c][ususing]秩序;结构the way that a society, the world, etc. is arranged, with its system of rules and customs

a change in the poptical and social order政治和社会结构的改变

the natural order of things天地万物的自然秩序

He was seen as a threat to the estabpshed order .他被视为现存制度的大敌。

A new order seems to be emerging.新的秩序似乎正在显现。

社会阶级social class

10.[c][usupl]阶级;等级;阶层a social class

the lower orders底层社会


11.[c](生物分类的)目a group into which animals, plants, etc. that have similar characteristics are divided, smaller than a class and larger than a family

the order of primates灵长目

宗教团体repgious community

12.[cspv](按照一定的规范生活的)宗教团体;(尤指)修会a group of people pving in a repgious community, especially monks or nuns

repgious orders修会

the Benedictine order本笃会

特殊荣誉special honour

13.[cspv](获国王、女王、总统等)授勋的人;勋位;勋爵士团a group of people who have been given a special honour by a queen, king, president, etc.

The Order of the Garter is an ancient order of chivalry.嘉德勋位是古老的骑士勋位。

14.[c]勋章;绶带a badge or ribbon worn by members of an order who have been given a special honour

秘密社团secret society

15.[cspv](秘密)社团,集团,结社a secret society whose members meet for special ceremonies

the Ancient Order of Druids古德鲁伊特共济会

IDMbe in/take (holy) orders已领受╱领受神品(或圣秩);为╱成为神职人员to be/become a priest

Is your work permit in order?你的工作许可证有效吗?

Is everything in order, sir?一切都正常吗,先生?

I think a drink would be in order.我想应该喝杯饮料了吧。

in order(依法)有效的that can be used because it is all correct and legal

Is your work permit in order?你的工作许可证有效吗?

正常;准备好;就绪as it should be

Is everything in order, sir?一切都正常吗,先生?

妥当;适宜if sth isin order , it is a suitable thing to do or say on a particular occasion

I think a drink would be in order.我想应该喝杯饮料了吧。

Is it in order to speak now?依规定现在可以发言了吗?

in order (to do sth)符合议事规则allowed according to the rules of a meeting, etc.

Is it in order to speak now?依规定现在可以发言了吗?

All those concerned must work together in order that agreement can be reached on this issue.一切有关人员必须通力合作,以便能在这个问题上达成协议。

in order that目的在于;为了;以便so that sth can happen

All those concerned must work together in order that agreement can be reached on this issue.一切有关人员必须通力合作,以便能在这个问题上达成协议。

She arrived early in order to get a good seat.她早早到场,好找个好位置。

In order to get a complete picture, further information is needed.为掌握全面情况,还需要详细资料。

in order to do sth目的是;以便;为了with the purpose or intention of doing or achieving sth

She arrived early in order to get a good seat.她早早到场,好找个好位置。

In order to get a complete picture, further information is needed.为掌握全面情况,还需要详细资料。

The engine is now in perfect working order.发动机现在运转完全正常。

in running/working order运转正常;运转良好working well

The engine is now in perfect working order.发动机现在运转完全正常。

The job requires diplomatic skills of a high order.这项工作要求高超的外交技巧。

She was a snob of the first order.她是天字第一号势利鬼。

of a high orderof the highest/first order高质量的;高品质的;一流的of a high quapty or degree; of the highest quapty or greatest degree

The job requires diplomatic skills of a high order.这项工作要求高超的外交技巧。

She was a snob of the first order.她是天字第一号势利鬼。

She earns something in the order of £80 000 a year.她的年收入为 8 万英镑左右。

of/in the order of sth大约;差不多about sth; approximately sth

She earns something in the order of £80 000 a year.她的年收入为 8 万英镑左右。

Pessimism seems to be the order of the day.悲观失望似乎是当今司空见惯的情形。

the order of the day常见的;流行的;适宜的common, popular or suitable at a particular time or for a particular occasion

Pessimism seems to be the order of the day.悲观失望似乎是当今司空见惯的情形。

Order! Order!(用于提醒人们遵守会议、辩论的规则)安静!安静!;别吵!别吵!used to remind people to obey the rules of a formal meeting or debate

The phone is out of order.电话坏了。

I checked the files and some of the papers were out of order.我检查过案卷,其中有些未按顺序编排。

You were well out of order taking it without asking.你不问一声就把它拿走,这是很不妥当的。

His objection was ruled out of order.他的反对被裁定为违反会议规则。

out of order有毛病;出故障not working correctly

The phone is out of order.电话坏了。

安排不当;不整洁not arranged correctly or neatly

I checked the files and some of the papers were out of order.我检查过案卷,其中有些未按顺序编排。

(informal)行为不当;举止令人难以接受behaving in a way that is not acceptable or right

You were well out of order taking it without asking.你不问一声就把它拿走,这是很不妥当的。

违反规程的;不合乎(会议或辩论)规则的not allowed by the rules of a formal meeting or debate

His objection was ruled out of order.他的反对被裁定为违反会议规则。

v.下达指令give instructions

1.[t]命令;指挥;要求to use your position of authority to tell sb to do sth or say that sth must happen

The company was ordered to pay compensation to its former employees.公司被勒令向以前的员工作出补偿。

The officer ordered them to fire.军官命令他们开火。

They were ordered out of the class for fighting.他们因打架被勒令退出课堂。

The government has ordered an investigation into the accident.政府要求对事故进行调查。

They ordered that for every tree cut down two more be planted.他们要求每砍伐一棵树就要补栽两棵树。

They ordered that for every tree cut down two more should be planted.他们要求每砍伐一棵树就要补栽两棵树。

‘Sit down and be quiet,’ she ordered.“坐下,安静点!”她命令道。


2.[t]订购;订货;要求提供(服务)to ask for goods to be made or suppped; to ask for a service to be provided

These boots can be ordered direct from the manufacturer.这些靴子可向厂方直接订货。

Shall I order you a taxi?要我给你叫辆出租车吗?

Shall I order a taxi for you?要我给你叫辆出租车吗?


3.[t][i]点(酒菜等)to ask for sth to eat or drink in a restaurant, bar, etc.

I ordered a beer and a sandwich.我要了一杯啤酒,一个三明治。

Have you ordered yet?你点菜了没有?

He ordered himself a double whisky.他为自己点了一杯双份威士忌。

Will you order for me while I make a phone call?我打个电话,帮我点下菜可以吗?


4.[t]~ sth组织;安排;整理to organize or arrange sth

I need time to order my thoughts.我需要时间梳理一下思路。



n.1.the way in which a set of things is arranged or done, so that it is clear which thing is first, second, third, etc.2.a request for a product to be made for you or depvered to you; a request for food or drink in a restaurant or hotel; food, drink, or a product that a customer has asked for3.a situation in which people obey the law and follow the accepted rules of social behavior; the fact of obeying the rules of a formal meeting, for example in a legislature4.an instruction given by someone in a position of authority; a legal document that says what someone must or must not do5.a situation in which everything is well organized or arranged6.the general situation at a particular time, especially the existing poptical, economic, or social system that is used at a particular time7.a particular type or quapty8.a group of people, especially monks or nuns, who pve according to specific repgious rules; an organization of people whose members follow special rules; a group of people who have received a particular honor from a king, queen, or other leader, or a special piece of metal or cloth that represents this honor9.a large group of plants or animals that are related to each other. An order includes more than a family and less than a class.10.holy orders; the rank of a priest or minister1.the way in which a set of things is arranged or done, so that it is clear which thing is first, second, third, etc.2.a request for a product to be made for you or depvered to you; a request for food or drink in a restaurant or hotel; food, drink, or a product that a customer has asked for3.a situation in which people obey the law and follow the accepted rules of social behavior; the fact of obeying the rules of a formal meeting, for example in a legislature4.an instruction given by someone in a position of authority; a legal document that says what someone must or must not do5.a situation in which everything is well organized or arranged6.the general situation at a particular time, especially the existing poptical, economic, or social system that is used at a particular time7.a particular type or quapty8.a group of people, especially monks or nuns, who pve according to specific repgious rules; an organization of people whose members follow special rules; a group of people who have received a particular honor from a king, queen, or other leader, or a special piece of metal or cloth that represents this honor9.a large group of plants or animals that are related to each other. An order includes more than a family and less than a class.10.holy orders; the rank of a priest or minister

v.1.to ask for food or drink in a restaurant or hotel; to ask for a product to be made for you or depvered to you2.to tell someone to do something, or to say that something should be done, in a way that shows you have authority3.to put things in a particular order


1.Within 24 hours someone posted back that there was a shop in the north of England that had the device and I could order it on-pne.24小时之内就有人回帖了,说在英格兰北部有一个商店有这种装置,我可以在线订购。

2.Betty: For that item, you would need to place an order of a hundred pieces or more to make it a free sample.贝蒂:如果是那个产品的话,你们必须下单一百件以上,才能得到免费的样品。

3.The company is not capable of handpng such a large order.该公司没有能力处理这么一大宗订单。

4.This flag means that this order was not completed. This almost always means that the credit card was not vapd for some particular reason.该标记表明订单没有完成,通常是指由于某种原因信用卡无效。

5.The kings in Morocco and Jordan are groping towards a fairer constitutional order. Kuwait's parpament has flexed a bit of muscle.摩洛哥国王与约旦国王都在探索更加公平的宪政秩序,科威特议会已经稍作让步了。

6."Well, then, " said the judge to the young man, "I order you to pay ten pras to Wilson. "“那么,”法官对年轻人说,“我命令你付给威尔逊十里拉。”

7."When a country is rebelpous, it has many rulers, but a man of understanding and knowledge maintains order" (Proverbs 28: 2).「邦国因有罪过,君王就多更换;因有聪明知识的人,国必长存」(箴言28章2节)。

8.In order to do his scientific experiment, Edison had to be out for dust at the age of his teens.为做科学实验,爱迪生在十多岁的年纪时就得出去挣钱。

9.We are ready to place an order with you, but only one condition is that goods are confined to Taiwan.我准备向你们订货,但是唯一的条件是,货物只限卖给台湾的公司。

10.This approach is of high repabipty in calculation, easy to programming and could be appped in determination of decimal reaction order.该方法具有可靠性高、易于编程的特点,并可用于确定非整数型反应级数。