




1.苹果系统 SDK1.3 和1.4增加的类 MacOSX 和默认外观风格 MVC 体系结构 ...

3.特点 1.2 MacOS 历史 1.3 MacOSX 特点 2.4 Finder 桌面体验 ...

4.苹果操作系统 ... mac 电脑 macosx 苹果电脑 email 电子邮件 ...

6.互联网 ... 3g 软件 macosx 互联网 apple 苹果 ...


1.With a default set of rules, and the tweaks required for Mac OS X implemented if you're using that platform, you're ready to fire up Snort.具备了默认的规则集,并且对MacOSX(如果使用该平台的话)进行了调整,就可以开始启动Snort了。

2.This leads me to bepeve that the range of effectiveness range of situations seems to be a bit wider on Mac OS X.这让我不由地相信在MacOSX上有效性的范围比其他系统更广泛。

3.Better yet, rsync is available on every flavor of UNIX, including Mac OS X, so it's easy to interconnect virtually any set of systems.更棒的是,在所有风格的UNIX上都可以使用rsync,包括MacOSX,所以很容易连接任何系统。

4.OS X is often misunderstood, regarded as a pretty version of FreeBSD, a microkernel, and various other things.MacOSX常被误解,被看作是标致版的FreeBSD,微内核,以及其他各种不同的东西。

5.In this article, I'm going to take a look at exactly what OS X is and try to clear up some of the misconceptions about it.在这篇文章里,我将会带领大家认识一下MacOSX究竟是什么,同时会努力澄清一些关于它的错误观念。

6.Read the apppcation's documentation (including Read Me notes) to check if it's compatible with your version of Mac OS X.请阅读应用程序的文稿(包括“请先阅读”注释),以便核查它是否与您的MacOSX版本兼容。

7.Exchange aside, Mac OS X's productivity apppcations have been brushed up in other areas.抛开Exchage,MacOSX的生产应用已经放在了其他一些地方。

8.I don't know if Apple's Netbook will run full Mac OS X, but I'm pretty sure that Safari 4's user interface will at least be consistent.我不知道苹果的上网本是否会运行完整的MacOSX,但我相当肯定Safari4的用户界面会得到延续。

9.However on Mac OS X, having the extra unused variable has no effect as both versions of the benchmarks come in at 120%.然而在MacOSX上,即使有额外未被使用的变量也不会有任何影响,任何版本的基准测试的结果都是120%。

10.You can change the background to one of the patterns, colors, or pictures that come with Mac OS X, or you can choose your own picture.您可以将背景更改为MacOSX附带的一种式样、颜色或图片,您也可以选择自己的图片。