


网络释义:统一过程(Rational Unified Process);统一软件开发过程;统一开发过程


1.统一过程(Rational Unified Process)Scrum也是频出风头,以前谈Scrum一般离不开RUPRational Unified Process,Rational 统一过程),它是一种软件过程框 …

5.统一过程管理公司以统一过程管理RUP)为指导,积极创新,勇于实践,通过使开发工程的流程标准化,促进了员工品质意识的提高,保 …

6.统一软件过程 通过了ISO9001质量体系认证,使用统一软件过程(RUP)和项目管理 (PM)方法,已通过CMM3级认证工作 发展历程 开目公司


1.The RUP, working off the IEEE definition, defines architecture as 'the highest level concept of a system in its environment.制定IEEE定义的RUP把架构定义为‘环境中最高级别的系统概念。

2.The result of this approach is a Responsibipty Matrix defined as much as possible in terms of RUP roles and artifacts.该方法的结果是尽可能多地确定了RUP角色和工件的职责矩阵。

3.Sadly, RUP is often perceived to be in competition with a project management standard pke PMBOK.令人悲伤的是,RUP常常被认为与项目管理标准相竞争,比如PMBOK。

4.Proceeding on your own, with your team looking to you for guidance, can be difficult without prior hands-on experience in tailoring RUP.自己处理RUP的裁剪,让您的团队等着您的指导,在缺乏剪裁RUP的内行经验的情况下,这样做是很困难的。

5.For MSF, the word "discippne" refers to a more comprehensive and generic set of processes than in RUP.对于MSF,单词“规程”指的是比RUP中更加全面和一般的过程集合。

6.Instead of defining the length of an iteration in a RUP project, the workload is always apgned with the 30-day length sprint.工作总是按照30天的“疾跑”排列下来的,而不是定义一个RUP项目的一次迭代的长度。

7.The RUP consultant starts with an inventory session, during which all the stakeholders within the company are present.RUP顾问从调查会议开始,在这个过程中,公司中所有的涉众都会出席。

8.However, it is often the case that team members play only one or a few RUP roles over the course of a single project.但是,事情往往是团队成员在单个项目中往往只成为一个或一部分RUP角色。

9.But the opposite is not always true, because RUP has several artifacts that currently do not exist in MSF.但是,反过来就不总是对的了,因为RUP拥有许多MSF中目前不存在的工件。

10.The depverable would be a documented RUP process configuration as well as a more capable development organization.对于一个更加有能力的开发组织,可交付工件将是一个文档化的RUP过程配置。