



美式发音: [straɪd] 英式发音: [straɪd]



过去式:strode  过去分词:strid  过去分词:stridden  现在分词:striding  第三人称单数:strides  同义词


v.march,tramp,stomp,step out


v.1.迈步,大踏步走,迈进2.跨过 (over);〈罕〉=straddle3.跨过(水沟等);跨,骑4.大踏步走过1.迈步,大踏步走,迈进2.跨过 (over);〈罕〉=straddle3.跨过(水沟等);跨,骑4.大踏步走过


v.1.to walk with energy and confidence

n.1.a long confident step; a way of walking with long steps; the distance that you go in one long step; the speed at which you walk or run

1.跨过 ... stung 刺,长著刺,使苦恼 strode 迈大步走,跨过 stricken 打,罢工,划燃 ...


1.he strode over the low brambles and bracken , leaving a trail through the fern . for a minute or two he was gone.他踏过了那低低的荆刺和羊草丛,经过处留晒了一条痕迹。

2.Laurie Strode: Nightmares are chewing at my head again. . . they just seem to be getting worse.劳丽斯楚德:我还在做噩梦,我头疼。看来事情只会越来越糟。

3.As everyone scattered, an enormous man burst through the door, threw tables and chairs aside and strode up to the bar.人们刚刚跑散,一个巨人就撞进酒馆,他把桌椅扔到边上大步走向吧台。

4.He spun away from the window and strode to the front door of the inn. He pushed it open and stepped inside, shoving a waiter out of the way.他转离窗户,大步来到旅馆门口,打开门,走进去,一把把一名挡道儿的服务员推倒在地。

5.Robert pulled Mikey's hat down over her eyes and strode out the door.罗伯特把米奇的帽子拉下来遮住她的眼睛,然后大步走出门外。

6.He was pale and looked as though he was about to cry. He strode out of sight; Harry didn't think Quirrell had even noticed him.他脸色苍白,好像快要哭出声来似的,大步地走出了哈利的视线。哈利觉得奇洛根本就没有注意到自己。

7.The breeze was chilly, but I strode along, trying to recapture the quiet I needed.尽管海风冷得刺骨,我还是沿着沙滩漫步,寻求一份宁静。

8.As if an unknown force were compelpng her, Katherine strode towards the woman, pulled her away from her partner.就好像有一股无名的力量迫使着她,凯瑟琳大步向那妇女走去,把她从她同伴中拉开。

9.The general with the bandaged head, bent forward as though fleeing from danger, strode towards Kutuzov, his thin legs moving swiftly.裹着头巾的将军有如躲避危险似的,弯下腰去,他那消瘦的两腿迈着飞快的脚步,向库图佐夫面前走了。

10."Do as you please, " he said, at last. "I'll have nothing more to do with you, " and out he strode.“随你的便吧,”他终于说道,“我不想和你再吵了。”他说着大步走出了房间。