


美式发音: 英式发音: [mə'gelən]




na.1.Magellan , Ferdinand 麦哲伦

un.1.channel separating mainland South America and Tierra del Fuego, between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

1.麦哲伦 美国麦哲伦 MAGELLAN 美国麦哲伦Magellan 国 cole-parmer ...

6.麦哲伦基金率甚至已无法超越通胀的侵蚀,这其中,富达投资旗下的麦哲伦基金(Magellan)等王牌基金赫然在列;相关数据同时显示,从9 …

7.麦哲伦酒店 ... Le Meridien Etoile 巴黎艾美酒店 MAGELLAN 麦哲伦酒店 MERCURE PARIS ARC DE TRIOMPHE... 巴黎凯旋门 …

8.麦哲伦望远镜e)、和位在夏威夷的凯克望远镜(Keck)、智利的麦哲伦望远镜Magellan)等的光谱仪器所观测的银河系和其他40几个星 …


1.Finding a way through the maze of channels of the strait was a brilpant piece of navigation and evidence of Magellan 's genius.发现海峡水道迷宫的航线是航海史上辉煌的一页,也是证明麦哲伦天才的有力证据。

2.During the last week of November, the fleet emerged into what Magellan described as a "beautiful, peaceful ocean. "在11月的最后一周,船队来到了一片被麦哲伦描绘为“美丽、平静的海洋”的水域。

3.The last landfall Chile, one hundred and thirty-three days aft, across the ocean Magellan had first sailed eighty years ago called Pacific.记得最近一次登陆靠岸补充是在美洲的智利,那之后又航行了一百三十三天,我们跨过了八年前麦哲伦首航的大洋——太平洋。

4.Magellan planted a large wooden cross and gave Queen Juana a wooden doll of the Santo Nino (the Child Saint) to commemorate the event.麦哲伦种下了一个巨大的木制十字架,给了乔依娜皇后一个圣婴雕像的木制娃娃来作为纪念。

5.Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan reached the Pacific Ocean after passing through the South American strait that now bears his name.年,葡萄牙航海家费迪南·麦哲伦经过南美海峡到达太平洋,现在那里以他的名字命名。

6.Finally, the analysis processes mentioned above are illustrated in detail by an example of Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT).通过巨型麦哲伦望远镜(GMT)实例对分析过程进行了具体说明。

7.They include Peter Lynch, of Magellan Fund fame, and Warren Buffett, who used to pubpsh a newsletter on handicapping.包括麦哲伦基金的彼得•林奇和沃伦•巴菲特,巴菲特过去喜欢出版关于赛马障碍赛的电子邮件。

8.He had sailed through the Straits of Magellan and he told her stories of the terrible Patagonians .他曾经穿过了麦哲伦海峡,他给她讲可怕的巴塔丹尼亚印地安人的故事。

9.Ferdinand Magellan was born circa 1480 at Sabrosa, near Chaves, in the province of Tras-os-Montes, one of the wildest districts of Portugal.麦哲伦大约1480年出生在葡萄牙一个荒凉的地区——萨布罗萨,临近查韦斯。

10.It is located to the southwest of the volcanic region Tharsis on the southern highlands of Mars, near the crater Magellan.它位于火星南部高地多火山的塔尔西斯(Tharsis)西南方,靠近麦哲伦陨石坑。