



美式发音: [maɪn] 英式发音: [maɪn]





复数:mines  现在分词:mining  过去式:mined  同义词

n.land mine





n.1.a large hole or tunnel in the ground from which people take coal, gold, etc.2.a bomb that is hidden under the ground or under water and explodes when someone or something touches it

v.1.to dig a large hole or tunnel in the ground in order to get coal, gold, etc., or to take coal, gold, etc. from such a hole or tunnel2.to hide bombs under the ground or under water

pron.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that something belongs to or is connected with you when you are the person speaking or writing

det.1.an old word meaningmy

1.地雷 Let them have it 他们要就给他们吧(地雷) Mines 地雷 Kabooom (爆炸声) ...

2.矿井 South Outlands( 南方边境) Mines矿井) Veronish( 华朗殊城) ...

3.矿山 definitely adv. 明确地, 干脆地 mines n. 矿, 矿山, 矿井, 源泉, 宝库, 地雷, 水雷 queen n. 王后, 女王 ...

4.矿藏 iPong 弹球游戏 Mines 呵呵,挖地雷游戏哦 MobileMoney 简单的记帐 …

6.矿场 洞穴· Caves 矿场· Mines 赛洛迪尔的郡· Counties of Cyrodiil ...

7.是矿坑 worth one''s salt。Mines 是矿坑, ...

8.拆地雷 四子连环棋( Four-in-a-Row) 拆地雷( Mines) 数字拼图( Tetravex) ...


1.Such machines are used to build roads and railways or to dig black stuff out of shallow mines.这样的机器一般用来挖土或是挖煤。在修建公路,铁路,开采煤矿时都会用到。

2.a metal pipe filled with explosive, used to detonate land mines or to clear a path through barbed_wire.一种装满了炸药的通过尖金属丝来引爆矿山或清除路障的金属管。

3.Beware of dangerous depth charges and naval mines while you're navigating your submarine across the sea and prepare for the next attack!提防危险深度费用和海军的地雷,当你驾驭你的潜艇横渡大海,准备下一次进攻!

4.So managers at the mines, whose energy costs have risen by up to 50% in two years, are studying coal-fired power plants.这样,矿区的高管们开始研究如何建造一些烧煤的能源制造工厂,因为他们的能源的成本在两年内上升了竟50%。

5.The U. S. miptary needs to be able to use land mines -- in special circumstances -- for troop protection.美国军队在特殊情况下有必要利用地雷来保护军人的安全。

6.Lax safety tends to be more of a problem when the price of copper is high, as it is now, and smaller companies open, or reopen, mines.当铜价走高(就像现在一样)促使一些较小公司新开或重开矿山时,安全管理松懈的问题往往就会更突出。

7.The overburden in the mining influencing zone is often composed of red strata and coal beds in many coal mines.许多矿区煤层采动影响范围内的覆岩层由红层和煤层共同构成。

8.An official of the aircraft company said he thought outfitting the aircraft to detect land mines was doable .该飞机制造公司的一位官员说,他认为装备这种飞机去探则地雷是可行的。

9.In a news release on Monday, Massey officials acknowledged that some conditions at the mines did not meet industry standards.在周一的新闻发布会上,梅西的官员承认矿井的某些条件达不到行业标准。

10.There was talk of closing down two mines. It was at this point that Gerald arrived on the scene.人们私下议论说两矿井行将关闭。杰罗尔德就是在这当口上任的。