


美式发音: ['praɪdfəl] 英式发音: ['praɪdfəl]





1.自傲的 serge 哔叽... prideful 自傲的... anthropologist 人类学家... ...

2.高傲的 previous 在前的, 早先的 prideful 自傲的, 高傲的 primeval 原始的 ...


1.If you don't know how prideful you are, just set up a meeting with me and I would be glad to tell you.如果你不知道自己有多骄傲,跟我来个会晤吧,我很乐意跟你谈一谈。

2.Yan was more sorrowful because she must say something against her own wilpngs with a prideful smile presented on her face.恋更悲哀,说着违背自己意愿的话语,脸上还要呈现骄傲的笑容。

3.In frost she cultivates her prideful nature, from her fragrance the scent of autumn dew can be smelt.质傲清霜色,香含秋露华。

4.To the celestials, he was an outcast -- another prideful fallen angel who could not even admit to his errors, let alone atone for them.对于天界生物来说,他是个遗弃儿——其他骄傲的堕落天使甚至不会承认他的过错,让他独自一个忏悔。

5.As I said before, putting pride off involves admitting you are prideful.正如我前面说过的,脱下骄傲包括承认你是骄傲的。

6.The prideful cat hunted around pke a chicken with its head cut off in vain and finally left in dismay.高傲的猫就像无头苍蝇一样四处寻找但一无所获,最后只好灰溜溜地走了。

7.With a prideful smile, she said simply, "We are the eyes for them. "她自豪地微笑着,简单地说,“我们是他们的眼睛。”

8.In true folkloric tradition, the devil just so happens to be crouched behind the stove, and overhears Pakhom's prideful statement.在真正的风俗传统中,魔鬼只会蜷缩在火炉的后面偷听Pakhom的豪言壮语。

9.Be wary of how prideful you become, lest you find too much in common with such a fiend.并警惕不要骄傲,以免你会发现你和这种恶魔有如此相似之处。

10.Now let none of us in any section look with prideful righteousness on the troubles in another section, or the problems of our neighbors.现在,不让我们当中任何的部分由高傲的正当眼光去扰乱其他的部分或给我们的邻居带来麻烦。