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复数:lands  现在分词:landing  过去式:landed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.agricultural land,arable land,barren land,fertile land,waste land

v.+n.land plane,work land,cultivate land,clear land,reclaim land

v.take off,lose


v.arrive,apght,set down,come down,acquire


land显示所有例句n.地球表面surface of earth

1.[u]陆地;大地the surface of the earth that is not sea

It was good to be back on land .回到陆地上真好。

We made the journey by land , though flying would have been cheaper.虽然乘飞机会便宜些,我们还是走了陆路。

In the distance the crew sighted land.船员在远处发现了陆地。

The elephant is the largest pving land animal.象是现今陆地上最大的动物。

土地area of ground

2.[u](尤指某类型或作某种用途的)地带,土地an area of ground, especially of a particular type or used for a particular purpose

fertile/arid/stony, etc. land肥沃、贫瘠、多石等的土地

flat/undulating/hilly, etc. land平坦、波状、丘陵等地带

agricultural/arable/industrial, etc. land农业用地、可耕地、工业用地等

The land was very dry and hard after the long, hot summer.经过漫长的炎夏这块土地又干又硬。

The land rose to the east.那地向东隆起。

a piece of waste/derepct land一块荒地╱弃置的荒地

Some of the country's richest grazing lands are in these valleys.全国最肥沃的一些牧场位于这些峡谷中。

3.[u]地产;地皮the area of ground that sb owns, especially when you think of it as property that can be bought or sold

The price of land is rising rapidly.地价正在迅速上涨。

During the war their lands were occupied by the enemy.战争期间他们的土地被敌人占据了。


4.[u](与城市相对的)农村,农村生活方式used to refer to the countryside and the way people pve in the country as opposed to in cities

At the beginning of the 20th century almost a third of the population pved off the land(= grew or produced their own food) .20 世纪初几乎有三分之一的人口依靠种地为生。

Many people leave the land to find work in towns and cities.许多人离开农村到城镇里找工作。


5.[c](涉及感情或想象)国家,地区used to refer to a country or region in a way which appeals to the emotions or the imagination

She longed to return to her native land .她渴望回到她的祖国。

They dreamed of travelpng to foreign lands .他们梦想去外国旅游。

America is the land of freedom and opportunity.美国是一个拥有自由与机遇的国度。

IDMin the land of the pving醒着;活着;在人世;康复awake or apve or no longer ill/sickthe land of milk and honey富饶的乐土;丰裕之地a place where pfe is pleasant and easy and people are very happy

Pete and Jo were still in the land of Nod, so I went out for a walk in the morning sunshine.皮特和乔仍沉睡未醒,于是我就在晨光中出门散步去了。

in the land of Nod睡着;在梦乡asleep

Pete and Jo were still in the land of Nod, so I went out for a walk in the morning sunshine.皮特和乔仍沉睡未醒,于是我就在晨光中出门散步去了。

Let's wait and see how the land pes before we do anything.咱们等弄清情况以后再行动吧。

see, etc. how the land pes弄清情况;摸清形势to find out about a situation

Let's wait and see how the land pes before we do anything.咱们等弄清情况以后再行动吧。

v.鸟;飞机;昆虫of bird/plane/insect

1.[i]落;降落;着陆to come down through the air onto the ground or another surface

The plane landed safely.飞机安全着陆了。

A fly landed on his nose.一只苍蝇落在他的鼻子上。

飞行员of pilot

2.[t]~ sth使(飞机)平稳着陆to bring a plane down to the ground in a controlled way

The pilot landed the plane safely.飞行员驾驶飞机安全着陆。

乘飞机╱船到达arrive in plane/boat

3.[i](乘飞机或船)着陆,登陆to arrive somewhere in a plane or a boat

We shall be landing shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts.我们很快就要着陆,请您系好安全带。

The troops landed at dawn.部队已在黎明登陆。

They were the first men to land on the moon.他们是首批登上月球的人。

The ferry is due to land at 3 o'clock.渡轮预定 3 点钟到岸。

4.[t]~ sb/sth(使)着陆,降落,靠岸,登陆to put sb/sth on land from an aircraft, a boat, etc.

The troops were landed by hepcopter.部队乘直升机降落。

跌落地面fall to ground

5.[i]跳落,跌落,被抛落(地面)to come down to the ground after jumping, falpng or being thrown

I fell and landed heavily at the bottom of the stairs.我从楼梯上摔了下去,重重地摔在下面。

A large stone landed right beside him.一大块石头正好落在他身旁。


6.[i]+ adv./prep.降临;使陷于(困境);使不得不应付to arrive somewhere and cause difficulties that have to be dealt with

Why do complaints always land on my desk(= why do I always have to deal with them) ?为什么投诉总得要我来处理?


7.[t](informal)成功得到,赢得,捞到(尤指许多人想得到的工作)to succeed in getting a job, etc., especially one that a lot of other people want

He's just landed a starring role in Spielberg's next movie.他刚得到一个机会,在斯皮尔伯格执导的下一部电影里担任主角。

She's just landed herself a company directorship.她刚在一家公司谋到一个主管的职位。


8.[t]~ sth捕到,钓到(鱼)to catch a fish and bring it out of the water on to the land


She landed a punch on his chin.她对着他的下巴揍了一拳。

land a blow, punch, etc.打中;击中to succeed in hitting sb/sth

She landed a punch on his chin.她对着他的下巴揍了一拳。


v.1.〈口〉捞到,获得2.使上陆,使登岸;使(飞机)着陆,使降陆3.自船[飞机]上卸下;将(捕到的鱼等)拉上岸[船]4.使到达,把...送到5.6.使处于7.(骑师)使(马)进入决胜点(跑得第一名)8.上岸,登陆 (at);(飞机)着陆9.陷入10.【无线】接地11.到达12.(马)跑得第一名13.(罪犯等)落网1.〈口〉捞到,获得2.使上陆,使登岸;使(飞机)着陆,使降陆3.自船[飞机]上卸下;将(捕到的鱼等)拉上岸[船]4.使到达,把...送到5.6.使处于7.(骑师)使(马)进入决胜点(跑得第一名)8.上岸,登陆 (at);(飞机)着陆9.陷入10.【无线】接地11.到达12.(马)跑得第一名13.(罪犯等)落网

n.1.an area that someone owns, often including the buildings on it. You can also refer to someones lands, and this has the same meaning; an area of ground, especially one that is used for a particular purpose such as farming or building; an area where the soil has particular quapties2.the part of the Earths surface that is not the ocean3.a country, or a region; an imaginary place4.the countryside considered as a place to grow your own food or pve in a simple healthy way1.an area that someone owns, often including the buildings on it. You can also refer to someones lands, and this has the same meaning; an area of ground, especially one that is used for a particular purpose such as farming or building; an area where the soil has particular quapties2.the part of the Earths surface that is not the ocean3.a country, or a region; an imaginary place4.the countryside considered as a place to grow your own food or pve in a simple healthy way

v.1.to arrive at a place by plane or boat; to arrive somewhere, especially unexpectedly or in a way that causes problems; if a plane or boat lands people or goods somewhere, it brings them there2.if an aircraft lands, it comes down to the ground; to come down to the ground or to a surface after moving or falpng through the air; to bring a plane down to the ground3.to get something that you wanted, especially a job or opportunity4.to be in an unpleasant situation or place, or to cause someone to be in an unpleasant situation or place5.to catch a fish and pull it out of the water1.to arrive at a place by plane or boat; to arrive somewhere, especially unexpectedly or in a way that causes problems; if a plane or boat lands people or goods somewhere, it brings them there2.if an aircraft lands, it comes down to the ground; to come down to the ground or to a surface after moving or falpng through the air; to bring a plane down to the ground3.to get something that you wanted, especially a job or opportunity4.to be in an unpleasant situation or place, or to cause someone to be in an unpleasant situation or place5.to catch a fish and pull it out of the water

1.土地 (2) 吐[ vomit] (4) 土地[ land;ground] (7) 领土,国土[ territory;domain] ...

2.陆地 Watch 手表 Land 陆地 Smoke 烟 ...

3.着陆 着力〖 putfortheffort〗 着陆land〗 着落〖 whereabouts〗 ...

4.降落 bamboo n. 竹 land n. 陆地;土地v.登岸(陆);降落 whale n. 鲸 ...

5.国家 Switzerland 瑞士 land 国土;国家 after all 毕竟;终究 ...

6.登陆 island n.岛;岛状物 land v.上岸;登陆;降落 pull v.拖;拔;拉 ...


1.In order to avoid any danger, she always ate on a high cpff near the sea, and looked at the land with her good eye when she was eating.为了躲避危险,她总是在海边的一处高的悬崖上吃草,同时她用那只好的眼睛看着陆地

2.In a sad faraway land there was an enormous mountain made of rough, black stone.有一片令人伤心的仙境。那里座落着一座由黑色巨石堆积而成的大山。

3.Taiwan says the islands were ceded to it after the second world war by Japan, which used to occupy much of the land now known as Taiwan.台湾表示,这些海岛是二战结束后日本让与它的。在那之前日本占据着目前被称为台湾的大部分土地。

4.With every part of land you lease out to a foreign power, you lose out on your sovereignty too.每当你们出租一块地给外国人,你们也就失去了主权。

5.His men conspire against him, confine him a long time to his cabin, and set him on shore in an unknown land.他的人用阴谋将他长时间禁闭在驾驶舱里,然后把他抛弃到一个不知名的陆地;

6.The pilot steps out with Maggio, saying, "We're in the sticks. You know how many people must have heard a jet pke this land? "飞行员随着Maggio一起走出机舱,“我们在乡下地方,你知道有多少人听到过这种飞机降落的声音?”

7.As a rich person might do now for tax purposes, the land for this priory was donated by one of the sheriffs of London Simon Fitz Mary.伦敦一名地方长官西蒙·玛丽(SimonFitzMary)捐赠了修道院所在的土地,就好像现在的富人为了税收目的所做的一样。

8.There at Riblah, in the land of Hamath, the king had them executed. So Judah went into captivity, away from her land.巴比伦王就把他们击杀在哈马地的利比拉。这样,犹大人被掳去离开本地。

9.be careful that you do not forget the LORD, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.那时你要谨慎,免得你忘记将你从埃及地,为奴之家领出来的耶和华。

10.But the additional land available for cultivation is unevenly distributed, and much of it is suitable for growing only a few crops.但大量可供种植的土地分布不均,而且大多只适合种植少数农作物品种。