


美式发音: [ˈveriəns] 英式发音: [ˈveəriəns]



复数:variances  同义词反义词





1.变化幅度;差额the amount by which sth changes or is different from sth else

variance in temperature温差

a note with subtle variances of pitch音高有细微变化的音符


These conclusions are totally at variance with the evidence.这些结论与证据完全相悖。

at variance (with sb/sth)看法不一;矛盾;冲突disagreeing with or opposing sb/sth

These conclusions are totally at variance with the evidence.这些结论与证据完全相悖。


n.1.differences between two or more similar things; a difference

1.方差 Minimum 最小值 Variance 方差 Maximum 最大值 ...

2.变异数两因素影响估计结果, 一是均值(mean), 二是变异数(variance), 均值是表示该待估值的平均所在, 变异数则是该待估值的分布状 …

3.差异 SAP variables quantities 变量 variance 差异 variance analysis 差异分析 ...

4.偏差 variable a 易变的 variance n 变化;相异 various a 不相同 ...

6.不一致 variable 可变的 n.变量 variance 分歧,不一致 variant 不同的,不一致的 ...

7.变量 variable module model 变模量模型 variance 变量;方差 variation order 修订令 ...


1.In particular, try to explain why the calculation of variance isn't just a matter of getting the average of all the individual variances.特别注意:尽量解释为什么组合方差的计算不是该组合中所有单个资产方差的平均。

2.The estimated variance in the yield of apple and pear trees if the data in the database is only a sample of the total orchard population.如果数据库中的数据只是整个果园的一个样本,那么此值是苹果树和梨树产量的估算方差。

3.With the age increasing, the incidence of positive and negative ulnar variance on increased, but that of the neutral variance decreased.结果显示随着年龄的增长,尺骨变异出现正向和负向变异的比率增高,而中性尺骨变异的比率降低。

4.Nevertheless, the plan-and-track method is often appped to projects with high variance, usually with disappointing results.尽管如此,计划及跟踪方法还经常应用于高方差的项目中,通常导致令人失望的结果。

5.The app would be very simple, it would have controls allowing the user to select the voice and speed, pitch, and variance of that voice.这个应用程序将非常简单,它会控制,允许用户选择的声音和速度,音高,那声音和方差。

6.Alternatively, he might be suggesting that homosexual behaviour is at variance with that of the non-human world.另一种情况是,教皇可能想表示,同性恋行为与人类以外的生物界是冲突的。

7.The district-attorney's persistence was visibly at variance with the sentiments of every one, of the pubpc, of the court, and of the jury.检察官这样坚持原议,显然是和每个旁听人、法庭的各个成员和陪审团的看法相反的。

8.You can use it to turn your variance measurement into a standard deviation measurement, as shown in Listing 8.您可以利用此函数将您的样本方差计算转换为样本标准差计算,如清单8所示。

9.My theme today has been that perceptions may be at variance with reapty, but it is often perceptions that drive financial markets.这次演讲的重点是指出某些与现实不符的印象,但推动金融市场背后的力量往往就是一些所谓的印象。

10.It is often a burden and time consuming to perform an analysis of variance on the raw data obtained from product experiments.在对某一产品停止实验后,依据原始数据停止方差剖析是件烦琐的任务,需求破费不少工夫。