




1.制造噪音 5. come to school early 很早来学校 6. make noise 制造噪音 7. in class 在课上 ...

2.发出噪音 • Peru • 秘鲁 • make noise • 吵闹,发出噪音 • table manners • 餐桌礼仪 ...

3.发出声音 make 做,制造 make noise 发出(喧闹)声音 man 男人 ...

4.吵闹 • Peru • 秘鲁 • make noise吵闹,发出噪音 • table manners • 餐桌礼仪 ...

5.发出令人不愉快的声音 make money 赚钱;挣钱 make noise 发出令人不愉快的声音 make progress 提高 ...

6.发出喧闹声音 should 应当,应该 make noise 发出喧闹声音 ptter 乱丢杂物 ...

7.发出喧闹的声音 walk on the grass 在草地上走 make noise 发出喧闹的声音 the sign on the birds’ cage 在鸟笼上的标志 ...

8.弄出声音 in answer to 为了回答 make noise 发出声音;弄出声音 search out 寻找;找出 ...


1.They seem to be metal particles that move along certain paths. They emit gases, make noise and keep crashing into each other.他们似乎是一些金属微粒,沿着一定的轨迹行进。

2.Make noise or disturb or induce others to vote or not to vote, and do not obey the persuasion.在场喧嚷或干扰劝诱他人投票或不投票,不服制止者。

3.The word itself comes from the German words "poltern" , meaning to make noise, and "geist" , meaning ghost.单词来源于德文“POLTERN”和“GEIST”意为制造噪音和鬼。

4.China may make noise but at the end of the day they can do nothing but sit back and wait for the issue to resolve itself.中国可能会制造些噪音但是最后他们什么也做不了,只能坐回去等问题自己解决。

5.Mom told me that It was not good to make noise.妈妈告诉我说制造噪音是不好的

6.Listen carefully in class----to be wholly absorbed; walk slowly after class ----not to quarrel or make noise.上课时静静听——专心致志,下课时慢慢行——不吵不闹。

7.Don't be afraid to make noise or show that it hurts. No one here will fault you for it.不要害怕叫出声或是展现出它造成的伤痛,没人会为此责备你。

8.I invite many friends to my house. We sing loudly. No one asks us not to make noise. We also eat cake and ice cream.我邀请我的朋友来我家里。我们大声的唱歌。没有人说我们在制造噪声。我们还吃蛋糕和冰淇淋。

9.does he never make noise in the class?他从未在课上制造噪音吗?

10.Americans do not make noise in appreciating good food.美国人在享用佳肴时不发出噪声。