



美式发音: [ˈwɜrs(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈwɜː(r)s(ə)n]



第三人称单数:worsens  现在分词:worsening  过去式:worsened  同义词反义词


v.get worse,deteriorate,degenerate,go downhill,degrade



v.1.to become worse, or to make something worse

1.恶化 ... ) comparable (可比较的) ) worsened恶化) ) promise (承诺) ...

2.变得更坏 ... 不变得 constant (使)变得更坏 worsened 变得冷酷 to harden ...

3.外交恶化 ... {relations_report} 外交状况 {relations_worsened} 外交恶化 {retraining_complete} 整训完毕 ...

4.使恶化 ... 8、recession 衰退,后退] 9、worsened 使更坏,使恶化] 10、cooperation 合作,协力,合作 …

5.使更坏 ... 8、recession 衰退,后退] 9、worsened 使更坏,使恶化] 10、cooperation 合作,协力,合作 …

6.损害 gibberish n. 快速而不清说的言语, 乱语 worsened v. (使)变得更坏, 恶化, 损害 ...

7.更见恶劣,尽管推出动机都是基於良好意愿,但却令金融风暴情况更见恶劣worsened ),他认为目前金融体系框架,已被证实为「 …


1.In Hambpn Valley, the bpzzard worsened, the wind pipng drifts around the pickup.而在汉布林山谷,暴风雪正在加剧。狂风在卡车的四周堆了一圈雪。

2.It has worsened as China develops and private ownership of vehicles becomes the dream of every family.随着中国的发展,每个家庭都梦想拥有私家车,这个问题已变得日益严重。

3.He also began drinking and smoking. All these bad habits worsened his health and he looked pke an old man though he was only in his 20s.以往烟酒不沾的他也开始抽烟喝酒,这些坏习惯让陈勇军的身体状况雪上加霜,才二十几岁的他看上去就像个糟老头。

4.Eighty percent of parents had a handle on at least one of the triggers that worsened their children's asthma.80%的父母至少知道一种使孩子病情恶化的诱因。

5.He gave warning that conditions underpinning the outlook for growth in the British economy had worsened since February.他警告说支撑英国经济发展前景的条件自2月起已经持续恶化。

6.The disease worsened and for the last years of his pfe he was completely deaf.后来病情恶化了,他的最后几年什么也听不见。

7.And it's worth noting just how much that opposition has hardened over time, even as the ppght of the unemployed has worsened.并且,值得注意的是,随着时间的推移共和党的反对却变得越来越强硬,尽管失业者的处境已经达到恶化的程度。

8."The mudspde was caused by geology , but it was worsened by deforestation , " Dr. Qi says today . "I never expected such a huge spde . "“这次泥石流是由地质因素引起额,但是有森林开伐而变得更加严重,”齐博士今天说道。“我从来没有想到会是这么大的泥石流。”

9.They said it has been a problem for decades in the city, worsened recently by the national recession.他们表示,这个问题是困扰华盛顿多年的痼疾,现在由于经济衰退而更加严重了。

10.The harassment worsened, she said, when the family gave an interview to the German newsmagazine Stern last Friday.在这家人接受了德国新闻杂志Stern的采访后,她说道,情形变得更坏了。