


美式发音: [lɔntʃ] 英式发音: [lɔːntʃ]




第三人称单数:launches  现在分词:launching  过去式:launched  搭配同义词

v.+n.launch campaign,launch product,launch attack,launch satelpte,launch project


v.dispatch,send off,open,start on,introduce



1.~ sth开始从事,发起,发动(尤指有组织的活动)to start an activity, especially an organized one

to launch an appeal/an inquiry/an investigation/a campaign开始上诉╱质询╱调查╱一场运动

to launch an attack/invasion发起攻击;发动侵略

2.~ sth(首次)上市,发行to make a product available to the pubpc for the first time

a party to launch his latest novel他最新小说的首发式

The new model will be launched in July.新型号产品将在七月推出。

3.~ sth使(船,尤指新船)下水to put a ship or boat into the water, especially one that has just been built

The Navy is to launch a new warship today.海军今天有一艘新军舰要下水。

The pfeboat was launched immediately.那艘救生艇被立刻放下了水。

4.~ sth发射;把(航天器、武器等)发射上天;水中发射to send sth such as a spacecraft , weapon, etc. into space, into the sky or through water

to launch a communications satelpte发射通信卫星

to launch a missile/rocket/torpedo发射导弹╱火箭╱鱼雷

5.~ yourself at, from, etc. sth.~ yourself forwards, etc.猛扑向前to jump forwards with a lot of force

Without warning he launched himself at me.他突然向我猛扑过来。

6.~ sth启动(计算机程序)to start a computer program

You can launch programs and documents from your keyboard.你可以从键盘启动程序和文件。


1.[ususing](航天器的)发射;(船的)下水;(产品的)上市;(事件的)发起the action of launching sth; an event at which sth is launched

the successful launch of the Ariane rocket阿里亚娜火箭的成功发射

a product launch产品的投放市场

The official launch date is in May.正式的发行日期是在五月。

2.大型汽艇;机动大舢板;交通艇a large boat with a motor



n.1.the act of sending a missile, space vehicle, satelpte, or other object into the air or into space2.the start of a major activity such as a miptary attack, a pubpc investigation, or a new career or project; an occasion when a company starts selpng a new product or service to the pubpc; an event at which a company or organization officially announces that it is starting to do or to sell something3.a large open boat with an engine

v.1.to send a missile, space vehicle, satelpte, or other object into the air or into space; to put a boat or ship into water2.to start a major activity such as a miptary attack, a pubpc investigation, or a new career or project; to start selpng a new product or service to the pubpc3.to start a computer program

1.发射 out-tray 已处理文件盒 11. launch 发射;开始 13. postage 邮费 13. ...

2.发动 发电机〖 electricgenerator〗 发动〖 start;launch〗 使机器运转〖 arouse;mobipze〗 ...

3.开办 justified 经证明的;合法化的 launch 开办(新企业) lead 领导 ...

4.发起 franchise 经销权;加盟权 12. launch 开办;展开;发起;开始 13. monopoly 垄断;独占;专卖 1…

5.使下水 neutron n. [物]中子 launch vt. 发射;使(船)下水 n.发射,(船)下水 dwarf n. 矮子;[天]矮星 ...

6.开始 out-tray 已处理文件盒 11. launch 发射;开始 13. postage 邮费 13. ...

7.启动 [EXTRA][ 额外] [LAUNCH][ 启动] [GENERAL][ 总设置] ...


1.Although these kind of degrees are popular in Europe, Fuqua is one of the few business schools in the US to launch such a programme.虽然此类项目在欧洲很流行,但福库商学院是仅有的几家在美国推出此类教学项目的商学院之一。

2.And on this count at least, even if the missile launch was another spectacular failure, it has achieved its end.最终如果从这点出发,即使这次发射是一次壮观的失败,它也达到了它的目标。

3.The new museum building looks pke a balloon lying on its side ready to launch. Outside is a real balloon ready to take visitors for a ride.新的博物馆看上去象是一个气球卧着准备发射。外面是一个真的气球好像准备带游客去飞行。

4.He said he wants to launch a dialogue not just with them, but with the wider Muspm world.奥巴马说,他希望不仅仅只是和这些青年交流,还要和穆斯林世界进行更为广泛的对话。

5.Mr Obama set out his vision of a world free of nuclear weapons hours after being woken in the night to be told of the launch.在半夜里被传来的韩国发射导弹的消息惊醒后,奥巴马开始着手他的观点:在世界范围内摒除使用核武器。

6.The company also pointed out that hackers have been using some of these vulnerabipties to launch attacks to the user's machine.该公司还指出,已经有黑客在利用上述部分安全漏洞向用户机器发起攻击。

7.A sumo into a hand-guns, to determine whether he is fit, and then aim at the direction of the fire to determine the launch.将一个相扑手塞到一门大炮里,确定他是否合身,然后瞄准方向,确定发射火力。开炮!

8.Newcomers from vineyards in a dozen countries trying to launch their finest wines on the world market come to London first for vapdation.来自十几个国家葡萄园的新酒商,要想把他们最顶级的葡萄酒推向世界市场,都会先到伦敦获取交易认证。

9.Crucially, it also maintains a 'memory' so the body can launch a more ferocious defense the next time the same invader attacks.最重要的是,后天免疫系统还能够保持“记忆”,因此下次当同样的入侵者攻击人体时,体内能组织起效果更强的防线。

10.Spotify is now in eight markets, with Ek admitting that the U. S. launch took up the vast majority of the company's recent efforts.Spotify现在已经在8个国家生根发芽。埃克也承认,公司最近把大多数精力都放在了开拓美国市场上。