

make sense

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na.1.to be practical and sensible2.to be easy to understand



1.You must be able to make sense out of the complexity of the world to put your business on the offensive.你必须能够从复杂的世界中找到出路并让自己所在的公司处于进攻状态。

2.And as it approached, a gale of social media messages swirled, as New Yorkers "flocked" together, trying to make sense of events.此外,当风暴逼近时,社交媒体上也刮起一阵信息旋风——纽约人纷纷“聚集”到一起,试图弄明白事态的发展。

3.Programme guides have been pressed into service to try to make sense of all this content.为了使这一切变的更有意义,电视指南应运而生。

4.Repgion is an attempt to make sense of the world, but it does not try and do this in the way science does.宗教试图使这个世界变得更加有意义,但不会使用科学分析的方式来达成这个目的。

5.What do you think about this paper - does the design make sense or do you see flaws and if so what are they?你觉得这篇论文如何-这个实验设计是否有意义,或者你看到缺陷,如果有缺陷是什么样的缺陷?

6.Even though the speaker had a strong accent, Henry could catch on to his story, but Tom couldn't make sense of it at all.尽管演讲者地方口音很重,但是亨利能听懂他的话,而汤姆却一点儿也听不懂。

7.Parsing this syntax is equally ambiguous, and you must know the layout of an XML response ahead of time to be able to make sense of it.语法解析同样含混,你必须先知道XML响应报文的布局,然后才能搞清楚它的含义。

8.Instead, they shunt the unsavory secret into a dark corner of the mind, where they try, alone, for years to make sense of it.相反,他们把这种讨厌的秘密转而藏在自己心灵的阴暗角落,在哪儿,他们自己一个人花费数年时间去努力弄懂它。

9.Part of it is we're both musicians. we're both musically minded and I feel pke a lot of how you structure things make sense to me.一部分原因恐怕在于我俩都是音乐家。我们都有一个音乐性的思维方式。很多你思考问题的方式,我都觉得非常容易理解。

10.Economists have been trying to make sense of the results across individuals, across countries and across the years.经济学家曾试图通过对不同个体、不同国家、不同时代的人做调查,以找出其中的意义。