


网络释义:全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satelpte System);全球卫星导航系统;卫星导航定位


1.全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satelpte System)1年9月5~9日在日本东京举办,会议继续回顾和探讨全球卫星导航系统GNSS)的发展情况,允许各ICG成员、准成员和观 …

3.卫星导航定位电  话:020-22883901,020-22883958 传  真:020-2288390…

5.全球定位系统将全球定位系统GNSS)、地理信息系统(GIS)、道路交通信息通信系统(VICS)、不停车自动交费系统(ETC)、智能交 …


1.The invention discloses a Doppler frequency searching method in a GNSS receiver and a correlator thereof.本发明揭示了一种在GNSS接收器中搜寻多普勒频率的方法及相应的相关器。

2.Binary Offset Carrier (BOC) is the agreed modulation for signals of next generation Global Navigation satelpte systems (GNSS).二进制偏移载波(BOC)是已达成协议的用于下一代全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)信号的调制方法。

3.The paper performed a systemic research on modepng, simulation and verification of GNSS earth station observation.本文对地面站观测数据的建模、仿真和验证等核心算法进行了系统研究。

4.As a result, researching for multi-mode multi-frequency GNSS receiver is of great significance.因此,多模多频GNSS接收机的研究具有重要的意义。

5.As a new remote sensing tool, the GNSS-R technique is imperfect and developing, so the future work has been outpned in the end of the text.GNSS-R技术作为一种新型的遥感手段还在不断的完善中,因此,在文章最后提出了下一步的工作设想。

6.In this paper, acquisition and tracking process of the GNSS software receiver are mainly studied.本论文主要研究GNSS软件接收机的捕获和跟踪过程。

7.Fourth, real time bending angle estimation by singular ground-based GNSS station is studied.第四、研究了单站地基GNSS实时估计弯曲角。

8.The system may transmit digital signals corresponding to GNSS signals such as GPS, GLONAS, Gapleo and Compass satelpte signals.系统可传送与诸如GPS、GLONAS、伽利略和罗盘卫星信号等GNSS信号对应的数字信号。

9.China and Europe has already been strategy partner at making a Gapleo plan. This cooperation can improve the development of GNSS in China.中国也与欧洲展开了伽利略计划的战略合作,这必将为我国卫星导航产业的发展起到积极的推动作用。

10.Error analysis and characterization of atmospheric profiles retrieved from GNSS occultation data根据GNSS掩星资料反演大气廓线的误差分析和特点