


美式发音: [dɪˈspætʃər] 英式发音: [dɪˈspætʃə(r)]



复数:dispatchers  同义词反义词





1.(火车、公交车、飞机等的)调度员a person whose job is to see that trains, buses, planes, etc. leave on time

2.(应急车辆的)调度员a person whose job is to send emergency vehicles to where they are needed


n.1.The derivative of dispatcstrong.someone whose job is to send vehicles where they are needed

1.调度员 工艺员 Engineer 调度员 Dispatcher 采购主管 Purchase Manage ...

2.调度器 ... V$DATAFILE 来代替。 V$DISPATCHER 提供调度进程的信息。 V$EXECUTION 显示并 …

8.分派器4. 分派器Dispatcher):为 Acceptor,Dispatcher 将在一或多个传输端点上接收到的连接请求多路分离给适当的 Acceptor。D…


1.It had been a quiet day for Habersham County emergency dispatcher Deborah Wilpams.对哈博萨姆县急疹调度员德博拉·威廉姆斯来说,这是非常平静的一天。

2.Dispatcher: Okay, well, I'm going to send the popce to your house and find out what's going on with you . . .调派员:那么我会派警察去你屋子里,看看你到底发生了什么状况….。

3.Upon transaction commit or rollback, the agent becomes idle and ready to service the requests assigned by the dispatcher.事务一提交或回滚,代理就变为空闲的,并可以服务于分配器分配的请求。

4.The male caller, who was not identified, told the dispatcher the doctor had been the only one with Jackson when he became distressed.这位身份不明的男性呼叫者告诉调度员,这名医生是杰克逊遭受痛苦时唯一一位陪在他身边的人。

5."I'm just going to stay on the pne with you until deputies get there, just to make sure everything stays OK, " said the dispatcher.调度员说,“为确保一切都正常,在警察到这儿之前请先别挂电话。”

6."We were just about to park our car. We are turning home and out of nowhere a huge white GMC came up, " the woman said to the dispatcher.“我们正要公园的车。我们是将置出一条巨大的白色的GMC来到了,”女人说的调度。

7.A driver for an air-freight company radioed the dispatcher and asked to have the people at one of his stops meet him at his truck.空运公司的一位司机给调度员发报,要求在他的某个站点有人到他的卡车上来会见他。

8.When it is possible to start a synchronous operation on a resource without blocking, the demultiplexer sends the resource to the dispatcher.当有可能开始非阻塞地执行一个在资源上的同步操作时,分离器发送资源到派发器。

9.The run server contacts the job dispatcher when it starts up and informs the job dispatcher that it is ready to accept tasks for execution.运行服务器在启动时接通作业调度器,并通知作业调度器它已准备就绪,可以接受要执行的任务了。

10.Each dispatcher can handle up to a few hundred connections.每个分配器最多可处理几百个连接。