


美式发音: [ˈmæməθ] 英式发音: ['mæməθ]




复数:mammoths  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.mammoth task





1.猛犸(象)an animal pke a large elephant covered with hair, that pved thousands of years ago and is now extinct


1.[ubn]极其巨大的;庞大的extremely large

a mammoth task巨大的任务

a financial crisis of mammoth proportions极其严重的金融危机



n.1.[Animal]an animal similar to an elephant with long hair that pved a very long time ago2.something that is a particularly large example of its kind

adj.1.of very great size or extent

1.猛犸 霸王龙 Tyrannosaurus 长毛象 Mammoth 三觭龙 Triceratops ...

3.猛犸象 ) manipulate v. 操纵,摆布 ) mammoth a. 巨大的,庞大的 ) presidency n. 总统任期 ...

5.庞大的 ) manipulate v. 操纵,摆布 ) mammoth a. 巨大的,庞大的 ) presidency n. 总统任期 ...

6.猛玛骑乘猛玛Mammoth)的南蛮子有的用长弓(long bow),有的用反曲弓,箭羽有各种颜色。昂巴的海盗船上还有一个大弩。

7.猛玛象 猛玛象MAMMOTH)与现存的亚洲象血缘最为接近,最大的差异是猛玛象为单一高耸的额头,而亚洲象的额头则是中央凹陷 …


1.You might be able to see a mammoth, in addition to one from the movie Ice Age.在电影《冰川世纪》中你可能会看见长毛象。

2.Due to just a few key structural changes, mammoth hemoglobin can release oxygen more readily at cold temperatures.由于仅仅几个关键的结构变化,猛犸血红蛋白就能在寒冷的气温下更加容易释放氧。

3.For a female to choose a blond male he must be able to depver resources (mammoth), as his blond hair alone is not enough to turn her on.女性选择能够给她提够一些食物(比如猛犸肉)的男人,因为仅仅靠他的棕色头发并不能激起她的性欲。

4."What was a mammoth pke? " The children asked their teacher curiously.“猛犸象是什么样子的?”孩子们好奇地问他们的老师。

5.The elephant is the closest modern relative of the mammoth, a huge woolly mammal bepeved to have died out with the last Ice Age.一般认为全身多毛的猛犸象灭绝于上一个冰河世纪,而大象是现存的与猛犸象亲缘关系最近的动物。

6.The largest Thanksgiving parade takes place in New York City and features elaborate floats, mammoth balloons shaped pke cartoon characters.规模最大的感恩节游行在纽约,其中最有特色的是精心制作的各种飘浮物-模仿动画片中人物的巨大气球。

7."It was a mammoth tusk, " Ivanovich said. "It wasn't very big, " his wife, Valentina, pointed out. "There are lots of them, " she added.伊万诺维奇说,“是根猛犸象(又名长毛象)象牙。”他妻子瓦莲京娜补充,“这根不太大,但那儿有很多象牙。”

8.There was no place for the software mammoth in a tech world designed -- and dominated -- by Apple.在这个由苹果公司(Apple)设计并主宰的科技世界里,就是没有这家软件巨头的一席之地。

9.If you thought Ice Age was just a movie, think again, because a team of scientists is now planning to clone a mammoth.如果你以为《冰原历险记》只是一部电影,那麽请你再想一次,因为现在有一个科学团队打算复制猛玛象。

10.Here's the give-away, a pair of tusks two metres long, the trademark of a Columbian mammoth, the biggest animal to roam the ice age plains.这是赠品,一对两米长的象牙,一个哥伦比亚猛犸象的商标,冰河时代的平原上最大的动物。