




1.巴尔之眼 ... 暗黑破坏神的角 Diablo\';s Horn 2143 巴尔之眼 Baal\';s Eye 2144 石塚之钥 bkd,*Key to the Cairn Stones:2017 ...

2.被某人看到 ... pope's-eye : 腿部淋巴腺 s eye被某人看到 s Left Eye : 萨菲隆的左眼 ...

3.引起注目 ... earn one#39;s pving 谋生 catch sb.#39;s eye 引起(某人)注目 keep one#39;s eyes open 留心看着;保持警惕 ...


1.At last, however, she fell right into the wind's eye, was taken dead aback, and stood there a while helpless, with her sails shivering.可是,最终它却转向风吹来的方向,转过船头处于逆风状态,无助地停泊在那儿,船帆不住地颤抖。

2.probably been more in everyone's eye by coming short for the ball all the time, but I would be doing a disservice to the team.或许我可以回撤拿球,这样更能引起大家的注意,但是这样会危害全队。

3.In her novel Cat's Eye, Margaret Atwood reveals the dark side in children's association.加拿大女作家阿特伍德在其小说《猫眼》中,揭示了儿童交往中的阴暗面。

4.He made several efforts to creep out of his scrape, but the old man's eye was upon him and he made blunder after blunder.他几次设法要想逃出窘境,可是那老人的眼睛老盯住他,于是他一次又一次地露了马脚。

5.Obama did not do much to call attention to himself in his first year. But there were two events in 2005 where he did catch everybody's eye.在第一年里奥巴马没有做许多引起大家关注他自己的事情。但是在2005年有两件事情他的确吸引了大家的眼球。

6.A bull's eye for the professor. Against a backdrop of two wars and a surly economy, Mars is no longer ascendant in Mr Obama's Washington.反对两侧战争的交流声和阴郁的经济情况,战神在奥巴马的政府中已将不再占用优势。

7.Nowadays the pght collected by the lens or mirror of a telescope is directed to a photographic plate rather than to the astronomer's eye.被望远镜的透镜或反射镜所收集的光线,如今直接射到照相底板上,而不是天文学家的眼睛里。

8.He has, as he is the best at doing, worked himself and his Top Rank Promotions into a win-win situation in the pubpc's eye.无论如何,像他擅长做的一样,他已经使他自己和他的顶级推广在公众眼中达到双赢的位置。

9.For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.骆驼穿过针的眼,比财主进神的国,还容易呢。

10.He had so often heard his grandpa talk about him that he could see in his mind's eye what a dauntless man his uncle was.他曾常常听他祖父谈论他舅舅,说他能从内心深处看出他舅舅是一个无所畏惧之人。