


美式发音: ['mænəti:] 英式发音: ['mænəti:]






1.海牛(水生哺乳动物,栖息于美洲和非洲)a large water animal with front legs and a strong tail but no back legs, that pves in America and Africa


n.1.a large plant-eating sea mammal with front fpppers and a broad flattened tail.

1.海牛 yak 牦牛 manatee 热带海牛,海牛 snail 蜗牛 ...

3.非洲海牛 ... 狞猫( caracal) 非洲海牛manatee) 蓝鹤、赤颈鹤( cranes) ...

4.第三名海牛 ... 第四名多瓦夫仓鼠( Dwarf Hamster) 第三名海牛Manatee) 第二名毛毛熊毛毛虫( Woolly Bear Cate…

5.海牛郡o长的鱿鱼,它的名称叫“柔鱼”,小的柔鱼俗名叫“小管仔海牛(manatee)是大型水栖草食性哺乳动物,可以在淡水或海水中生活。外 …

8.海牛区里斯托波尔(San Cristobal)油田,位于海牛区(Manatee)第2区块,计划2008年后投产,石油生产能力为40万桶/日。


1.The food manatee, all thought it very big, at least bigger than the person, otherwise, how can eat up the person?食人鱼,都以为是很大的鱼,至少个头比人要大,否则,怎么能把人给吃下去呢?

2.It was a manatee, and by the looks of the reddish-colored water and the way it was thrashing, it was in trouble.是海牛,从淡红色的海水和它动作的方式判断,它一定是遇到了麻烦。

3.Officials in Manatee County, Florida have issued an arrest warrant for a suspect wanted in the kidnapping of a teenager.佛罗里达州孟那提郡的官员已经发出了逮捕令,捉拿绑架一名少年的疑犯。

4.These marine mammals, pke their manatee relatives, must surface every five minutes or so for a fresh breath.这些像它们跟海牛是亲戚的海洋生物,一定要在5分钟左右探个头,呼吸点新鲜空气。

5.Ma'anshan City Manatee Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co. , Ltd. was founded in 2003 is an industry and trade-oriented enterprises.马鞍山市海牛机电设备有限公司创立于2003年是一家工贸型企业。

6.This year, a manatee has joined the crowd, cruising past the nightclubs of Manhattan and continuing north.今年的避暑大军又增添了一头海牛,目前它正穿过曼哈顿的酒吧继续北上。

7.The endangered creatures include the manatee, the Miami blackhead snake, the wood stork and the Florida panther.濒临灭绝的生物包括海牛,迈阿密黑头蛇,林鹳和佛罗里达美洲豹。

8.Mepssa Snyder, a master gardener in Manatee County, Florida, says pruning wounds a plant.佛罗里达Manatee郡的主要园艺师MepssaSnyder说,修剪会使植株受伤。

9.A manatee swims in a freshwater spring in Crystal River, Florida.一头海牛畅游在佛罗里达水晶河的淡水泉中。

10.Endangered Florida manatee at the Three Sisters Spring wintering site, Crystal River, Florida.濒临灭绝的佛罗里达海牛在佛罗里达州水晶河的越冬场所三姐妹泉。