


美式发音: [ˈmæŋˌɡroʊv] 英式发音: [ˈmæŋˌɡrəʊv]






1.红树林植物(生长在淤泥或河边的热带树木,有支柱根暴露在空气中)a tropical tree that grows in mud or at the edge of rivers and has roots that are above ground

mangrove swamps红树林沼泽地


n.1.a tropical tree that grows beside water and has roots that begin above the ground

1.红树林 旅行家 TRAVELER 曼哥夫/ Mangrove 奥特山 Outshine ...

3.红树植物 "区划主线"," Management-strip" "红树类"," Mangrove" "红树树皮"," Mangrove bark" ...

6.红树群落 mangrove vegetation 红树林植被 mangrove 红树林;红树群落 manhandle 人力推动 ...

7.美洲红树 mangrove 红树 mangrove 美洲红树 manhandle 用人工操作 ...


1.Along the coast, mangrove forests have been used to develop a fashionable, new ecotourism industry.沿著海岸,红树林已经发展出一个蔚为风潮的新环保旅游业。

2.He selected a fine 30-mile stretch of a Florida Everglade mangrove swamp and had it surveyed into a grid.他在佛罗里达的埃弗格莱兹地区选了一块30英里长的优良的红树林沼泽,把它一格格地勘查了一遍。

3.He decided to study how mangrove forests benefit humanity, but needed an accurate estimate of how much remains.他决定研究红树林对人类的有益之处,但首先必须得到当下红树林的精确数据。

4.Among the imperilled animals are the mangrove finch, one of the species known as Darwin's finches in the Galapagos.最受威胁的动物包括红树林雀,知名的达尔文雀中的一种。

5.The method has already been used to regenerate mangrove forest in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina.路易斯安那州已经使用这种方法重建被卡特丽娜飓风摧毁的红树林。

6.But, Barbier found, a fully functioning mangrove ecosystem would be worth the restoration cost.Barbier又发现,一个完全发挥机能的红树林生态系统可与修复费用等值。

7.And I'm rather proud to say that this was found just near London, and that 55 milpon years ago London was full of mangrove palms.我很自豪的说这是在伦敦附近找到的,5500万年前伦敦到处都是红树林。

8.As we travel down the last few miles of the river, the sun rises as pure orange pght over the mangrove swamps and jungle.当河流还剩最后几英里时,纯净的橘黄色太阳在红树林湿地和丛林上升起。

9.Shrimp farms have been a primary cause of mangrove loss, as well as urbanization and agriculture.海虾养殖和城市化、农业,是造成红树林消失的主要原因。

10.The 300-member force will be deployed mostly around the Sundarbans mangrove forests, one of the last refuges of the tigers.这支三百人的部队主要将部署在孙德尔本斯红树林,这里是孟加拉虎最后的栖息地之一。