


美式发音: [mænˈhæt(ə)n] 英式发音: [mæn'hæt(ə)n]






1.曼哈顿鸡尾酒(用威士忌或其他烈酒与苦艾酒调制而成)an alcohopc drink made by mixing whisky or another strong alcohopc drink with vermouth


na.1.the island in New York City that is its main business and cultural area. Often when people say New York, they are referring to Manhattan.

1.曼哈顿 Loading...

7.曼哈顿鸡尾酒 - Martini 马丁尼酒 - Manhattan 曼哈顿鸡尾酒 - Tequila 龙舌兰酒 ...

8.曼哈顿类  曼哈顿类Manhattan),这种鸡尾酒主要成分是威士忌和味美思,威士忌是鸡尾酒中一种经常会用到的基酒之一,威士忌属于 …


1.A week later, scores of strangers descended upon a Manhattan jewelry shop, stood around for a bit, then dispersed just as mysteriously.一周后,数十名陌生人突临曼哈顿的一家珠宝店,站了一会儿,然后几近神秘地作鸟兽散。

2.DEGREES is how much hotter Manhattan is on average than surrounding suburban areas.曼哈顿比周围的郊区温度平均高出7度。

3.Both sides seem to be wilpng to wait until summer's end to see in what direction the Manhattan real estate market will move.双方似乎地都愿意等到这个夏季末,想知道曼哈顿的房地产市场会朝哪个方向发展。

4.My mother, who once referred to Manhattan as Babylon, sat with her arms folded, waiting for me to answer.我的母亲,她曾经把曼哈顿比作巴比伦,她抱笼着双臂,坐在那里等我回答。

5.And treat it, if you would, a day on which we had some form of a snow storm or really difficult getting into Manhattan.如果你愿意的话,可把它当成有场暴风雪或者是当成很难进入曼哈顿区。

6.When he was overseeing the decor of a new Miu Miu store in Manhattan in 1997, he took issue with a mirror and smashed it.1997年,他在曼哈顿监理MiuMiu新店装修的时候,不喜欢一面镜子,就把它砸了。

7.Think how the Bell Labs research engineer must have felt when he heard Cooper calpng him from the noisy streets of Manhattan.当贝尔实验室的研究工程师接到库伯从曼哈顿嘈杂的街道打来的电话时,心里会是怎么想的?

8.I instantly thought of the Orwelpan newspeak at my own Manhattan school where achievement tests were the order of the day.我立刻想到奥威尔式新语,在我自己所在的曼哈顿学校,成就测试是每日必行。

9.The alleged sexual assault is said to have taken place in a Manhattan hotel room earper on Saturday.所谓的性侵犯事件发生在周六早些时候的一个曼哈顿酒店的房间里。

10.His second church was Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, which he started in 1989 with his wife, Kathy, and three young sons.他的第二个教会是和他的妻子Kathy、以及三个年轻的儿子共同于1989年在曼哈顿建立的救赎主长老会。