




1.戴德梁行店、香港UME影院、奥地利艾斯特真冰场(AST)、戴德梁行国际物管机构(DTZ)成功签约后,本次全球品牌招商签约大会上, …

5.戴德梁行物业戴德梁行物业dtz)戴德梁行是国际房地产顾问“五大行”之一,在全球45个国家200间分公司共有11,000余名员工为客户提供跨 …

6.戴德梁行公司戴德梁行公司DTZ)世界顶尖的国际房地产顾问公司 官方网站网址:http://www.dtz网址被屏蔽/ 1 戴德梁行公司简介 2 戴德梁行物业 …

7.戴德梁行控股有限公司彼为英国戴德梁行控股有限公司(“DTZ”)董事及DTZ之亚太区主席、香港行政会议非官守议员召集人,亦为中国人民政治协商会 …


1.DTZ expects an annual increase in global capital values of 4. 1 per cent over the next two years.戴德梁行预计,未来两年内,全球地产市值每年将增长4.

2.DTZ bepeves the US and Asian markets will lead total returns over the longer term, although the biggest short-term gains will be in the UK.戴德梁行认为,在较长期内,美国和亚洲市场的投资回报将名列前茅,但短期内增长最快的将是英国。

3.Billy Yen, general manager for property brokerage DTZ Taiwan, estimates home prices have risen as much as 30% since the voting.房地产经纪商戴德梁行台湾(DTZTaiwan)总经理颜炳立(BillyYen)估计,自大选投票以来,住房价格的上涨幅度高达30%。

4.DTZ expects home sales to remain low next year as the recession takes its toll and homebuyers are concerned over job security.DTZ预计,受经济衰退的影响,人们更专注的是保住工作,因此明年的房地产市场将持续走低。

5.DTZ said the soaring costs in Hong Kong were driven by rising prime rents on the back of healthy demand and a shortage of space.戴德梁行说,香港写字楼租用成本飙升是受优质写字楼租金上涨的拉动,而优质写字楼租金则由合理需求和供应短缺所推动。

6.Zhang Xiaorui, head of research for analyst DTZ, said Vanke moved quickly and cut prices through marketing techniques.研究部主管戴德梁行分析师张蕊表示,万科迅速通过营销技术降低价格。

7.For DTZ's Cao, insurance capital is another major source in the commercial property sector.对于戴德梁行的丹尼来说,保险资金是另一个在商业地产界的主要来源。

8.DTZ identified 151 out of 172 markets across the world as offering "fair value" for investors in 2010.戴德梁行认为,在2010年,全球172个地产市场中,有151个能够为投资者提供“公平价值”。

9.In 2004, DTZ was awarded a Grade A National Valuation Licence, the first and only among international firms.2004年,DTZ戴德梁行取得全国一级房地产评估资格,是唯一一家国际房地产顾问取得此资格。

10.The worst is now over, according to DTZ, with global invested stock forecast to return to growth of 5 per cent in 2010.戴德梁行表示,现在最坏时期已经过去,预计今年全球投资地产市值将回升5%。