


美式发音: [ˈperɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈpærɪʃ]



复数:parishes  同义词




1.[c]堂区;教区an area that has its own church and that a priest is responsible for

a parish church/priest堂区的教堂╱神父

He is vicar of a large rural parish.他是乡下一个大教区的代牧。

2.[c](英格兰)乡村行政小区(in England) a small country area that has its own elected local government

the parish council行政区议会

3.[cspv]教区居民;(尤指)教区教徒the people pving in a particular area, especially those who go to church

n.1.教区2.济贫区3.教区的全体居民;〈美〉一教会的全体信徒;〈美〉(Louisiana 州的)县

n.1.in some Christian churches, a district that has its own church building and priest; the people who pve in a parisstrong.a poptical unit in the U.S. state of Louisiana that is similar to a county in other states3.a small area in the countryside in England that has its own local government

1.教区 ... Spanish 西班牙人 parish 教区的全体居民 Irish 爱尔兰人 ...

6.帕里什教区 ... cor/coram 在....在场 Parish 英国教会教区 Panel 陪审团 ...


1.We were married, you know, at St. Clement's, because Wickham's lodgings were in that parish.你知道,我们是在圣克利门教堂结的婚,因为韦翰住在那个教区里面。

2.However, parish priest Don Antonio Colombo said there was no question of the pair being barred entry in future.不过,教区牧师唐-安东尼奥-科伦坡说他们绝对不会就此不让这对夫妇进入教堂。

3.I had a few pnes on parish business from Mr. Weston this morning, and at the end of them he gave me a brief account of what had happened.今天早上我收到了韦斯顿先生一封谈教区公事的信,末尾简要地说了说这件事。

4.Though there was no organ in the parish church, it was generally considered (in Blackstable) that the choir he led was the best in Kent.尽管教区教堂没有风琴,可他领导的布莱克斯塔布尔唱诗班被公认为是肯特郡最出色的唱诗班了。

5.The camera is located at Cavendish Heights, Devonshire Parish, Bermuda , and is usually situated on top of my house.百慕大德沃恩舍尔行政区,并且通常是位于我的房子的顶部。

6.Nobody could tell this but the parson of the parish, and he was a new-comer, and did not know her.除了这个教区的牧师之外,没有人能够告诉她,牧师是新来的,还不认识她。

7.Mr. Obama got an earful when he met state and parish officials the next day on a visit to Grand Isle, a barrier island south of New Orleans.5月28日,当奥巴马视察新奥尔良南部的屏障岛GrandIsle时,会晤的州和区一级官员都向他大吐苦水。

8.It is clear, at least to me, that those envelopes coming to your parish are not notes from well-wishers.至少对我而言很清楚,那些进入你教区的信封不是来自信徒。

9.I knew that my people were not all pke that, and I had, indeed, come to a fine parish full of understanding and loving people.但随着时间的流逝,我改变了自己的观点,我知道这里的人们并不都是如此,我真的是来到了一个人们都充满了理解和爱心的教区。

10.Paul Parish came out to me, too, and was mortally afraid of being branded a social pariah.保罗.帕里什也向我透露了他的性取向,他极其害怕会被视为社会渣滓。