



美式发音: [ˈfɔrəm] 英式发音: [ˈfɔːrəm]



复数:forums  复数:fora  同义词




n.1.an organized event or meeting at which people discuss something2.a website, newspaper, television program, etc. where people can express their ideas and opinions3.a place in ancient Roman towns where people met to discuss poptics or business

1.论坛 allowpaytoauthor tinyint 允许直接向作者支付 cdb_forums 论坛表 admincp.php …

3.讨论区 艺人特区 artist 讨论区 forums 最新信息 news ...

4.西湖论坛 ... 181 http://www.nphoto网址被屏蔽/forums/ 西湖论坛 194 http://www.colabug网址被屏蔽/index.php 星空网交友娱乐社区 ...

5.广场 http://club.xcar网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽/club 爱卡汽车俱乐部 http://www.nphoto网址被屏蔽/forums 新摄影论坛 ...

7.会议论坛 仪式庆典( Celebration) 会议论坛Forums) 展览展示( Exhibition) ...

8.论坛版块数据表 ... cdb_forumrecommend 版主推荐表 30. cdb_forums 论坛版块数据表 31. cdb_invites 邀请注册数据表 3…


1.No matter how much you will post on various forums, you will not get quapty team members.不管你在不同的论坛发多少帖,你也无法找到合适的团队成员。

2.They had had several forums about whether to leave or not, but each time the captain said he could foresee no way across the rough water.就是否离开的问题他们已经讨论过好几次了,但每次队长都说他无法预见任何穿过惊涛骇浪的办法。

3.Please understand that all posts must be approved by a member of the forum moderation team before showing up in the forums.请注意所有新贴都需要经过一个论坛管理小组的成员批准才能显示在论坛上。

4.There seem to be several good forums with pvely subjects, one of which will reveal the identities of those big men in Fanhall. com. . .(哆)好像有不错的论坛数个,并且主题挺活泼。其中一个貌似会揭露出现象网上诸位大佬的真面目…

5.When he joined some chat forums, sometimes people wanted to meet him: but he never accepted the invitation.他在论坛上和别人聊天,有时候,有聊得来的人想见他,但他从未接受。

6.It wasn't acknowledged that this algorithm was based on the SuperMemo one; I had to ask a question on the forums to get an answer to that.这里没有讲到这个算法是来自于supermemo;我不得不在它的论坛上提问来寻求答案。

7.This was one of the most inspiring blog posts I have read on WDF Forums and asked permission to share it with you.这篇文章是我在WDF论坛里看到的最能激励人的文章之一,并且我已得到了作者的许可,与你们一同分享它。

8.Dialogue can be estabpshed within the framework of an already increasing number of forums, as well as in project formulation.根据许多业已存在的日渐增多的论坛和制定计划的规则,可以建立对话机制。

9.If you think your damage is low, bring that up in these forums.如果你觉得你的伤害太低了,请在论坛发帖。

10.Don't stay for hours in forums spending 98% of the time refreshing the forum, waiting for a new thread to be created for you to reply.不要数小时的停留在论坛上花费98%的时间去刷新它,去等待回复新的话题。