


美式发音: [ˈæmbjələns] 英式发音: [ˈæmbjʊləns]






1.救护车a vehicle with special equipment, used for taking sick or injured people to a hospital

the ambulance service救护车服务

ambulance staff救护车全体人员

Call an ambulance!叫救护车!


n.1.a vehicle for taking people to the hospital

1.救护车 ambition n. 雄心,抱负,野心 ambulance n. 救护车;野战医院 America n. 美洲;美国 ...

2.急救车 wrecker 清障车 ambulance 急救车 1. 交通规则 traffic regulation ...

3.野战医院 ambition n. 雄心,抱负,野心 ambulance n. 救护车;野战医院 America n. 美洲;美国 ...

4.流动医院 enmity 敌意,仇恨 ambulance 救护车,流动医院 ambulant 走动的,流动的 ...

5.救护飞机 导航飞机 pathfinder 救护飞机 ambulance 非诚勿扰 serious inquiries only ...

6.救护船 救护车〔船,飞机〕 ambulance n.救护车,救护船 ambulance n.救护车,救护车 ambul…

7.需要救护车8. 需要救护车 (ambulance) ※ 911拨打步骤: 1. 直接拨打911; 2. 可能会听到录音回答,此时请等待调度员,而不要挂机; 3. …


1.I told her to hang on for the ambulance. "I can't, the head's coming out! " she said.我告诉她等救护车,她说:“不行,头已经出来了!”

2.We called an ambulance, and I jumped on board so that I could spend the night with her, holding her hand and acting as her medical advocate.我们召了救护车,我也跳了上车,以便在晚上照顾她,我捉紧她的双手,并充当他的医疗辩护人。

3.She walks out the hospital after the last operation and is killed by an ambulance speeding up to the hospital.做完最后一项手术,她刚走出医院就被一辆疾驰而入的救护车撞死了。

4.The latest information said that the fire was already put out, with one victim airpfted to hospital and the other taken away in ambulance.而最新消息称,(现场的)火已被扑灭,一名伤员被飞机送往医院,另一名伤员则被救护车接走了。

5.In case of severe symptoms requiring an ambulance, ensure to tell that the patient is suspected to have SARS.在出现严重症状,需要救护车,确保向病人是怀疑严重急性呼吸系统综合症。

6.One of his friends rushed inside to call an ambulance, then he phoned Tracy's father, Bill Marsh.他的一个朋友冲进店里打电话叫救护车,然后又给他的父亲比尔·马什打了电话。

7.An ambulance paramedic stands next to the body of a Greek national in a morgue at a Karachi hospital in Pakistan.巴基斯坦,一所卡拉奇医院上的陈尸间内一名紧急救护人员站在一具希腊籍尸体旁。

8.The popce moved in, and Mr. Harvey, a bandage wrapped around his head, was wheeled out of the pharmacy and into an ambulance.警察随后赶到,头上缠着绷带的哈维被车推出了药店,上了救护车。

9.Do you know how much time passed between the first ambulance arriving at the accident and Diana arriving at the hospital?你知道还有多少时间过去了第一辆救护车到达事故和黛安娜抵达医院?

10.Once more the stretcher was spd into an ambulance, and I found myself in company with a young subaltern of the K----'s.再次滑向担架是一辆救护车,我发现自己与公司的K年轻中尉----的。