


美式发音: [moʊ] 英式发音: [mau]





1.单胺氧化酶 马/麻- -Ma - -Mao 梅- -Mei ...

3.昴 返回 麻 马 麦 满 : MA:MA:MAI:MAN : MAO 毛 : MAO ...

5.甲基铝氧烷(methylaluminoxane)在助催剂甲基铝氧烷(MAO)的活化下,cat1-2可高效催化乙烯聚合和降冰片烯加成聚合,得到高分子量线形聚乙烯和聚降冰片烯 …

6.微弧氧化(micro-arc oxidation)为解决微弧氧化(MAO)工艺中脉冲电源与负载间的匹配问题,基于电化学理论和参数拟合方法,建立脉冲电源作用下的微弧氧 …

7.氨氧化酶氨氧化酶MAO)的氧化脱氨基作用降低脑及组织内的5-HT水平,引起内分泌及神经系统明显的生理变 化,从而能改善大脑皮 …

8.最大胃酸分泌量(maximum acid output)    (2)最大胃酸分泌量MAo):是指注射五肽胃泌素等刺激剂后1小时分泌胃酸的总量,正常人平均值为16.26士8.61mnol/ …


1.The front page picture shows paratroopers jumping out of the hatch near Mao County, Chongqing yesterday.报纸首页的彩图展示的是昨天伞兵在重庆茂县附近上空跳离机舱的一幕。

2.Mr Bo, tough, sophisticated and ambitious, comes from the Communist aristocracy - his father was one of Mao Zedong's leading comrades.强硬、老练并且雄心勃勃薄先生,来自共产党的官宦世家。他的父亲是毛泽东的亲密战友之一。

3.If, God forbid, another Mao were to seize the reins, there would be no mechanism for getting rid of him.如果,上帝保佑,另外一个毛泽东掌握了大局,那么就再也没有任何机制可以摆脱他了。

4."I have come to interview Mao Tse-dong, " I said. "I understand he is at An Tsai. How much further have we to go? "“我是来见毛泽东的,”我说。“我知道他在安塞。我们还得走多远?”

5.For a member of the Communist Party who grew up in Mao's China, this was a pretty overwhelming taste of participatory democracy in action.作为生长在毛泽东时代的共产党员,这是一次有趣的实际参与民主活动的尝试。

6.On her 80th birthday Mao Zedongs entertained her to pubpcly proclaim that she was not to be molested.在她八十寿辰时,毛泽东夫妇设宴款待她,公开声明她不会受到冲击。

7.I called A Mao, and should not, I see out, I saw beans spreading in a way that we had not had the A Mao.我叫阿毛,没有应,出去口看,只见豆撒得一地,没有我们的阿毛了。

8.Or out of the same kind of unwavering faith in transformation that Mao had been preaching since the Teens of the twentieth century?还是出于对毛泽东自二十世纪一零年代以来一直在宣扬的变革坚定的信仰?

9.The contrasting philosophies of Mao and Nehru showed up in their own interpretations of history as well.毛泽东和尼赫鲁之间观念的冲突也体现在他们各自对于历史的诠释中。

10.China has embraced capitapsm, arguing that Chairman Mao erred by deviating from Marx's writings and trying to skip the capitapst stage.中国已经接受了资本主义,认为毛主席偏离马克思主义的著作试图略过资本主义阶段这是不对的。