


网络释义:神经毒素(eosinophil-derived neurotoxin)


1.神经毒素(eosinophil-derived neurotoxin)


1.There used to be a bookshop here, us edn't there?这里过去有一家书店,是吗?。

2.There used to be a cinema here, us edn't there?往日此处曾有一影院,不知是与不是?

3.There used to be a church here, us edn't there?过去这里有座教堂,是不是?。

4.The students used to have lessons at weekends, us edn't they?这些学生以前周末要上课,是吗?

5.Objective To investigate the mutations of EDNRB gene and EDN 3 gene in sporadic Hirschsprung s disease (HD) in Chinese population.目的检测中国散发先天性巨结肠症是否有EDNRB基因和EDN3基因突变,以探讨EDNRB及EDN3与HD发生的关系。

6.Hilum of lung enlarged, lung markings huddle, bunch shadow and edn shadow can be seen in the focces.肺门影增大,肺纹理紊乱或病灶呈成簇状窟穴状影;更详细。

7.You used to go there, us edn't you?你过去经常到那里去,不是吗?

8.I will systemize these focuses and retrospect the study of cun from the edn of eastern Han dyansty to Tang dyansty.笔者本文将整理这些争论,并回顾东汉末年到唐代「村」研究的概况。

9.You used to play the flute, us edn't you?你过去常常吹长笛,是吗?。

10."Out of the Crisis: Quapty, Productivity and Competitive Position" , Cambridge University Press, 1986; 2nd edn, MIT Press, 2000《转危为安:质量、生产率和竞争地位》,牛津大学出版社,1986年,修订本2000年出版,麻省理工学院出版社。